Amphetamine , cocaine, meth (other stimulants).

By | October 27, 2020

White powder in the form of flour or crystals. Most commonly taken by inhalation through the nose. They have a long-term stimulating effect on humans. The following signs indicate the use of drugs in this group:

  • Cheerfulness;
  • Lack of sleep and fatigue;
  • Haste, quick speech;
  • Increased sex drive;
  • Dilated pupils;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Dry mouth.

After the amphetamine ends , severe depression begins, which can last for several days. With systematic use, drug addicts lose weight, suffer from persecution mania, and suicidal thoughts may appear.

Opiates (heroin, morphine, methadone , etc.).

The peak of opium addiction occurred in our country in the 90s. Opiates are mostly used intravenously. The most common representative is heroin . It is a white powder like flour. The color may be darker depending on the purity of the product. Syringes, tourniquets, blackened spoons can be distinguished as paraphernalia. Signs of heroin addiction include:

  • Constricted pupils, lack of response to light;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Immunity to pain;
  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Itching, scratching;
  • Facial muscles lose their tone;
  • Falling asleep for several hours;

After just a few tricks, a strong physical dependence is formed with one of the most painful withdrawal syndromes. Breakage begins in 5-20 hours and is accompanied by severe muscle pain, cramps, and fever. In addition, intravenous opiate use is one of the main reasons for the spread of HIV infections. The average life expectancy of a heroin addict is 5-10 years from the first acquaintance with the drug

Addiction treatment

Many people are still convinced that if you give the “right” injection and then give the right pill, then drug addiction can be cured. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. There is no “happiness” pill. Drug addiction treatment is a complex and long-term medical and therapeutic process in which the addict himself, his relatives and qualified specialists must take an active part.

However, our center’s anonymous hotline continues to receive calls from parents who are looking for the “right” pill to solve the problem in a few days. I want to say right away that there is no such solution! Yes, drug addiction can and should be fought, but this is a very big job that requires patience, colossal endurance and dedication from relatives. Treatment takes time, on average it is 3-6 months, which, as practice shows, not every family is ready to go. Therefore, most drug addicts are left alone with their problem and cannot do anything about it. Self-medication for drug addiction is tantamount to suicide. Only one in a thousand is able to stop using on their own.

If one of your loved ones has already encountered the problem of drug addiction, then you perfectly understand that the drug does not have a blow not only on a person’s physical health, but also on his moral and ethical appearance, spiritual values ​​and social status. Drug addiction literally destroys all areas of human life. Accordingly, an effective treatment program should include care for all affected areas and should not be focused solely on physiology.

Stages of drug addiction rehabilitation and treatment:

  1. Detoxification . The purpose of this stage is to provide the patient with assistance in painless overcoming of withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms) and stabilization of his physical and mental state. During the period of active use, the addict “destroys” his body, and he does it systematically. During this time, serious changes occur in the brain, metabolism is disrupted. Drug addiction inevitably leads to health problems in varying degrees of severity, it all depends on the type of drugs used and the dosage. The process of cleansing the body, as well as stabilizing the work of internal organs and the emotional state, on average takes from 3 to 7 days. Detoxification should be carried out exclusively in a hospital under the strict supervision of doctors and narcologists. It is very important that the patient feels comfortable for the further course of rehabilitation ;
  2. Rehabilitation course in a specialized center. At this stage, a long-term work is underway to restore the moral and ethical image and social values. Patients work individually with a clinical psychologist and also take part in group therapy. The process also involves consultants on chemical dependence (people with personal experience of recovery and specialized education). In the process of rehabilitation, children learn to work with their emotions. It is here that a dependent person may for the first time have a chance to look at themselves from the outside and soberly assess their own life and actions. Patients take the first steps on the path to conscious recovery under the constant supervision of professional doctors and psychologists;
  3. Post – rehabilitation period – adaptation in society. The knowledge and skills acquired at the center will now have to be applied by the former addict independently in everyday life. Returning to society is one of the most difficult stages for recovering drug addicts. To help overcome this difficult period, a post-treatment program (PLP) has been developed. A former addict is already living an independent life, but still attends a therapy group, trainings and works with a psychologist individually.

Such an integrated approach to the problem of drug addiction helps to achieve not only the restoration of physical health, but also a conscious and voluntary refusal to use psychoactive substances. Recovery is the joint work of the addict, his relatives and specialists. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. An effective drug addiction program already exists and helps thousands of people to recover throughout the country every year.

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