By | December 28, 2019

Anorexia in Greek means “without the urge to eat . ” This is a neuropsychic disorder, manifested by an indomitable desire for weight loss, fear of gaining weight, deliberate limitation of the number and frequency of meals and the achievement of reference volumes of the figure. Most often, this pathology affects young girls, sometimes quite teenagers, aged 14 to 25 years.

Due to the distorted perception of their weight, the desire to lose weight with them does not disappear. They constantly think that the results are insignificant, and even when their weight decreases by 20 percent, they still consider themselves to be bbw and resort to various methods: diets, debilitating exercises in the gym, take laxatives and diuretics, make enemas, artificially induce vomiting , smoke a lot or consume a large amount of coffee, etc.

Most often, young girls and women suffering from anorexia do not recognize this disease. Therefore, it is so important that relatives and friends help them find the first signs of the disease in a timely manner and consult a doctor on time.

Varieties of anorexia.

The primary form can occur when a woman loses her hunger, associated with various physiological and organic pathologies: hormonal dysfunction, malignant tumors, etc.

The dosage form is caused by the use of special anorexigenic drugs (antidepressants, psychostimulants , hormone antagonists).

And we will focus on anorexia, which develops as a result of a violation of the patient’s eating behavior. Such a violation manifests itself in a deliberate limitation of the quantity and frequency of food intake in an effort to achieve the reference volume of the figure and weight indicators.


• Systematic and significant weight loss, not due to past diseases. Refusal to eat in the company and in public places. Constant dissatisfaction and control of one’s weight, continuous dietary regimen.

• Noticeable deterioration of hair and nails. Hair loses its shine, strongly split. And no medical masks and balms can help here, since the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. Nails begin to peel and break.

• The complexion also changes, which becomes very pale, blue circles appear under the eyes. With a kidney problem, the skin of the hands and feet of the patients acquires a bluish tint. • Menstruation may disappear. This happens due to the lack of essential nutrients for the body . It indicates that urgent help is needed.

• Fast and severe fatigue. The girl does not have time to wake up, but already feels very tired. This is not due to a lot of physical activity, but due to a lack of necessary energy. Such patients often lose consciousness.

• Absent-mindedness, lethargy and mood swings – also a characteristic sign of the disease. In addition, other diseases develop. Many ladies have problems , work is disrupted , and systems are developing.


It includes a complex of methods of psychiatry, dietetics and drug therapy. In the early stages of the disease, only some of them can be used, depending on the condition of the patient and the recommendations of the doctor.

The basis of the method of psychotherapy includes:

Patient awareness of the existence of this problem.

Finding out the causes of the development of the disease.

Changing the perception of your body, food, the world around you.


As part of drug therapy, the appointment is made by the attending doctor, who regulates the administration of drugs and monitors the effect, replacing one medicine with another if necessary.

Usually assigned the following groups of funds:

antipsychotics and

antidepressants that calm the nervous system, prolong sleep and improve appetite.


An important stage in the treatment is medical nutrition , which should be balanced and clearly calculated by a professional dietitian. It is based on a gradual increase in servings and the amount of food intake.

The main thing is to painlessly restore the digestive system and the whole organism as a whole.

At home, an experienced nutritionist also makes medical nutrition in the early stages of anorexia. To restore body weight, the menu should be high-calorie, with the gradual introduction of complex foods into the diet. It will take several stages of anorexia .

Stages of recovery.

• The first week – the resumption of the regularity of meals, liquid and semi-liquid low-calorie meals in small portions (spicy soups, broths, cereals, mashed potatoes).

• Second week – raw food elements are added to the diet : apple and carrot purees, berries, bananas.

• Third week – lean boiled fish appears in the menu; chopped white meat can already be added to the broth; cook porridge in milk. Drink freshly squeezed juices – fruit (except citrus) and vegetable juices, diluting them with water.

• Fourth week – with a favorable perception by the stomach of all introduced dishes, it is allowed to include vegetable salads, some bread, boiled meat.

To avoid stomach rejection, nutrition should be careful and consistent. Mandatory control of the attending physician!


To align the metabolism in the body, increase appetite and improve digestion, I offer several recipes.

Recipe number 1:

In equal quantities take plantain, St. John’s wort, marjoram, knotweed and leaves of nettle. Grind all herbs, place in a glass jar, close the lid, store in a dark and dry place.

1 tbsp. spoon without top pour 250 ml of boiling water in a glass jar, close the lid, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Take 50 ml in the form of heat 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day for 1 month. Then take a 2-week break and repeat the treatment.

Recipe number 2:

Thyme herb has a beneficial effect on pain, cramping and colic in the stomach, in violation of digestion and lack of appetite.

1 tbsp. spoon of thyme herb pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons 4-5 times a day, regardless of food intake. The course is -1-1.5 months. 3-4 courses should be taken per year.

Recipe number 3:

Freshly squeezed carrot juice can be introduced from the second week.

To 50 ml of carrot juice add 50 ml of table water. Take 3 times a day between main meals or as a lunch, afternoon snack. The course is 2 weeks, the break is 7 days, after which repeat the congestion .

Recipe number 4:

When anorexia is useful to use the fruit of cumin (3-5 g per day). You can chop them and add to the food in the form of seasoning.

In conclusion, I want to wish the fair sex to be prudent, not to fall under the influence of beautiful advertising covers. Stay young, full of strength and charm! That is your happiness and well-being. Be healthy!

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