Bench press lying on a bench with a slope up

By | November 7, 2018

Bench press on the bench is the work of the pectoral muscles, triceps and muscles of the shoulder girdle. There are three types of such a press, they depend on the position of the bench. If the bench is tilted upwards, this means that massiveness of the upper and middle part of the pectoral muscles will be formed. Exercising with a wide leg can reduce the range of motion, while it is possible to take heavier weights. With this technique, the lateral muscles of the chest work. If the press is narrow grip, the emphasis is on the triceps of the arm, the amplitude increases.

The inclination of the bench up gives you the opportunity to work the upper chest. In the course of frequent exercises, the front deltoid muscles are released and a high-quality visual effect is created. Perform the exercise can anyone with minimal training. To use the bench press on a raised bench, you must first workout.

Perform the exercise with widely spread elbows, as if they are reduced, then the load is transferred to the shoulders.

Press on a raised bench can be performed in conjunction with an exercise on a flat bench, but there is also the option of substitution. This exercise is much more complicated than the classic one; here a larger muscle group is being worked out, and at the same time it is impossible to take a weight that was allowed in a horizontal position. With the help of the exercise, it is possible not only to work out the upper part of the upper chest with high quality, but also to diversify the workout and complicate it.

Exercises rather difficult, but effective. If you violate the technique of execution, then it will be very difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Technique press in the slope (up)

  • Bench must be installed at an angle of 45-60 degrees. It is a large angle of inclination that makes this exercise effective;
  • Wide apart, sit on the bench. Legs rest against the floor;
  • The head, loin and buttocks should be pressed as far as possible against the back of the bench;
  • For the press in this position, the upper grip and arm positioning are slightly wider than the shoulders;
  • Remove the bar from the stops and slowly lower it to the upper chest;
  • When you inhale, the bar is squeezed up;
  • Elbow control is needed, they must look to the sides;
  • After going through the most difficult section, exhale;
  • At the last point of lifting, hold the bar for 2-3 seconds and additionally strain the pectoral muscles;
  • On a new breath, start lowering the barbell;
  • As soon as the bar touches the top point of the chest, change the direction of the bench press.
Category: Uncategorized

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