Caffeine in sports nutrition

By | June 22, 2020

Caffeine is a type of alkaloids. So called nitrogen-containing organic substances of natural origin, which are obtained from plants. Each of the alkaloids in its own way affects the body. Caffeine is used as a stimulant of the central nervous system (CNS). It is found not only in everyday products (chocolate, coffee, green tea), but also in sports nutrition. Typically, caffeine is available in tablets and capsules, which can be taken for different purposes.

How caffeine affects the body

Caffeine is one of the powerful CNS stimulants that helps athletes achieve better results in their field. The main property of a substance is increased stamina. According to the main version of scientists, this is due to a surge in adrenaline, the production of which causes caffeine. This gives the following effects:

  •                                 muscle contraction improves;
  •                                 a feeling of physical stress is slowed down;
  •                                 forces appear to lift more weight;
  •                                 increased concentration and motivation;
  •                                 increased fat burning.

After taking the supplement, a person can exercise for a longer time without feeling tired. This is due to the fact that the release of adrenaline caused by caffeine increases the level of fatty acids in the blood. They can be used as energy and thereby save glycogen. It is with the depletion of glycogen reserves that the onset of fatigue during exercise is associated.

The ability of caffeine to increase contractile muscle activity extends to the entire body. This effect is especially important for the respiratory system. As a result of taking caffeine, breathing is facilitated, which is useful for people who have problems with this or who train in high altitude conditions.

From this we can conclude that caffeine is a means to improve performance. According to research, it helps to increase efficiency by at least 22%. This indirectly contributes to the growth of strength indicators, an increase in muscle volume and fat burning. For this reason, caffeine is often included in sports nutrition:

  •                                 pre – workout complexes
  •                                 fat burners ,
  •                                 creatine with a transport system,
  •                                 pumping complexes
  •                                 power industry.

Who and how much creatine should be taken

For trained athletes, it is enough to take for 30-60 minutes. before training 3-6 ml of caffeine per 1 kg of body weight. On average, it is 1.5-2 mg / kg – 105-140 mg for an athlete weighing 70 kg. With systematic use, the body easily tolerates higher doses – 200-400 mg. In amateur athletes, signs of an overdose can occur already with 100 mg. For this reason, you need to increase the dose gradually. But the dosage of 400 mg is better not to exceed (4 cups of coffee).

A number of athletes acquire caffeine sodium benzoate . It is sold in pharmacies and presented in tablets. In addition to the caffeine present in them benzoate sodium (40 mg and 60 mg, respectively), which improves the absorption of the main component.

Many people use black tea as a source of caffeine. In one sachet, approximately 40-50 mg, and for the power engineer, 5 sachets are required. They are brewed and insisted for 10 minutes. Moreover, it is important not to overexpose, otherwise hazardous substances will start to stand out from the leaves. Therefore, it is more convenient to use sports nutrition in capsules. Taking caffeine will be useful for professional athletes, beginners in sports and those who want to lose weight.

What to consider when taking caffeine

Many people are very sensitive to the side effects of caffeine. Due to the effect on the central nervous system, it can cause:

  •                                 increased anxiety;
  •                                 anxiety;
  •                                 tremor (trembling hands and feet);
  •                                 irritability;
  •                                 increased nervousness;
  •                                 increased heart rate and respiration.

If these effects manifest themselves too brightly, it is worth lowering the dose of caffeine or abandoning it in favor of milder stimulants, for example, ginkgo biloba , L-tyrosine, ginseng, alpha- lipoic acid. You should not postpone the reception for a while before bedtime, since an overly excited state of the central nervous system can lead to insomnia.

The development of hypertension (high blood pressure) due to caffeine intake has not been proven as a result of studies. But those who already have this disease should take into account that the stimulant increases the pressure by 3-10 units, i.e., theoretically, it can cause an exacerbation.

Still need to be careful with gastrointestinal ulcers, anemia and cardiovascular diseases. In such cases, before deciding to use caffeine, you should consult your doctor. Only using the supplement without fanaticism can you lose weight and conquer new sports peaks.

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