Hunger for good, effective fasting techniques

By | November 14, 2019

What types of fasting are used to lose weight and improve the body? Enumeration of the most common descriptive techniques. How to starve wisely so as not to harm your health.

One of the popular methods of alternative medicine is therapeutic fasting. The name of the technique speaks for itself, it is a rejection of food, sometimes even water. After therapeutic fasting, lightweight nutrition is usually practiced, so it is used for weight loss.

The most common methods of fasting are complete and incomplete fasting, one-day and fractional programs, urine, dry, fasting cleansing the body. The following is the essence of each type of fasting, as well as recommendations for each of them.

One-day fasting with the goal of losing weight, rules and patterns

This technique is recommended for those who have not previously experienced starvation on themselves and still do not know which of the species will be more effective for it. One-day fasting allows you to get used to the correct introduction of the body into the fasting mode and elimination from it, and also allows you to evaluate your strength. Starvation for one day should be carried out regularly, then it will help to cleanse toxins and toxins, in addition, after some time you will feel that you can completely do without food for some time.

Any of the varieties of fasting, including the one-day technique, involves passing through the preparation stage, immediate fasting, and getting out of it.

In a specific example, each of the stages will last one day. On the day of preparation for fasting, protein products of animal origin, as well as fried and fatty foods, should be excluded from the menu. The best diet for preparing for fasting is small portions of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also add cereals, boiled and stewed vegetables. On this day, you should drink plenty of fluids, primarily water, as well as natural fruit and vegetable juices, low-fat kefir, and herbal infusions. With this diet, the body will begin to cleanse already from the preparatory day, and the main fasting will pass as smoothly as possible.

For fasting, even one day, the correct psychological attitude is important. Give yourself the installation that tomorrow will be dedicated to losing weight and cleansing the body. Motivation will help you collect more volitional efforts to suppress the feeling of hunger, which will be inevitable. Plan tomorrow by the hour, without meals you will have a lot of free time, and interesting activities will help to reduce your appetite.

The right one-day fasting and getting used to it

The human body is completely accustomed to starvation in 1-3 months, so that the habit develops as quickly as possible, it is recommended to starve 1 time every 1-2 weeks. When your 24-hour hunger becomes commonplace, try switching to a 36-hour meal plan. You can refuse food at home or on vacation, but not at work, so try to adjust your “hungry” day to the day off.

In order for the body not to be subjected to severe stress, do not forget to drink water, it does not matter whether it is cool, indoor or warm. You can add a few drops of lemon juice or honey to the water. On the day of fasting, you can engage in low-intensity physical exercises, for example, yoga, you can take a bath. Be sure to sleep in the afternoon, this will help restore your energy. The first daily fasting will seem to you a real feat, be prepared for a constant feeling of hunger, irritability, weakness, distracted attention. The second fasting will be much easier for you, and then they can become a good habit.

The next day is devoted to getting out of fasting, its scheme is very similar to preparation. On this day, you should eat fresh salads, preferably from carrots and cabbage with the addition of citrus fruit juice. If the preparatory day gently prepares the body for cleansing, then the final day consolidates the cleansing effect.

The rules of three-day fasting and its features

Go to a three-day fasting is possible only for those who have learned to easily withstand daily and 36-hour fasting. Withstand a three-day fasting is only possible for a hardy person who has undergone preliminary training.

The method of three-day fasting is built by analogy with one-day fasting, one day is assigned to enter and exit fasting. In the morning of the first day of fasting or in the evening of the preparatory day, experts recommend additionally cleansing your body, that is, take a laxative or make an enema.

Often three-day fasting is used as a transition to proper nutrition, as it is easier to start eating healthy food after its complete absence than from the usual diet. After a three-day fasting, you can switch to a weekly vegetable-milk diet, this will contribute to weight loss. The advantage of fasting for three days is that the body begins to use internal resources. He does not have time to reconstruct to existence at the expense of only internal resources, but he gets used to function normally without food for a long time.

Try a week to follow a vegetable-milk diet. It should be noted that with this type of therapeutic fasting, the body begins the process of switching to internal nutrition, but we do not have time to switch to it fully, but we get used to do without food for an even longer time.

What is an acidotic crisis and what does its onset indicate?

Only those who have a certain experience in fasting can achieve an acidotic crisis. His achievement is equated with a certain level of skill. After the onset of the crisis, the body completely switches to internal, that is, endogenous nutrition, from that moment on, fasting manifests its maximum healing means.

An acidotic crisis is a condition in which painful sensations that, during fasting, cause acidosis (a change in the acid-base balance of the body with a predominance of an acidic environment) completely disappear or are suppressed. Acidotic crisis occurs on average by 5-7 days of fasting, but in people with an unprepared organism for starvation, it can shift by 9-11 days. After the crisis is reached, the person immediately feels positive changes: the emotional background is leveled and the person feels in a good mood, hunger no longer manifests itself, urine ceases to be dark and cloudy, the plaque in the tongue disappears.

Having reached an acidotic crisis, a person feels that starvation is no longer a burden for him , forces appear in him to prolong this period. It is not worth following your feelings and prolonging your fasting; the day after reaching a crisis, you should begin to get out of fasting. In this case, the exit from starvation should last exactly the same number of days as starvation itself. Fasting before reaching an acidotic crisis is indicated for poisoning, fever and colds. The first day of release should be consumed only juices diluted with water, on the second and third day you can connect fruits and vegetables, then you should gradually switch to a healthy diet. You can starve in this way no more than 3 times a year, with a greater frequency this can negatively affect your health.

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