If in the wind the eyes are very watery, the skin of the face turns red and flakes, it runs from the nose, a cough appears, but these symptoms quickly pass indoors (or any other place where there is no powerful flow of cold air), there is a great desire to write them off as “allergy to the wind “. In reality, this is not entirely true: we can talk about allergies or intolerances, but not the movement of air itself, but particles carried by it, such as dust. It turns out that the wind is not an allergen, but a provocateur of the existing problem. To confirm or exclude allergies with high accuracy, Olga Dekhtyareva recommends to undergo laboratory diagnostics – to do a study using the ImmunoCAP method. If an allergy is detected, the allergist-immunologist will select the appropriate therapy.
Is it true that women freeze more than men?
According to Dr. Choi Yong Joon, the female body is physiologically more sensitive to cold, so women are more comfortable in a slightly warmer room. Due to the complex mechanisms associated with the sex hormones estrogen, the temperature of the skin of the hands and feet in women is lower than in men – all this is believed to be part of the low temperature detection system necessary to protect the baby during pregnancy. Colder extremities create the feeling that the whole body is cold – this, by the way, is the basis for the development of gadgets that help to quickly feel warm or cold, affecting only the wrist.
June notes that these observations are not speculation: American scientists from the University of Utah came to this conclusion back in 1998. During the experiment, it was also found that, as a rule, the female body has less heat transfer: the metabolic level of an average woman is about 23% lower than that of men – this is due to hormonal differences and different body weights.
It is not uncommon for women in the office to dress warmer than their male counterparts. This is not hard to explain given the results of a 2015 study published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change. In most office buildings, the “comfort temperature” is set according to outdated guidelines from the 60s, when experiments were conducted only with men. The “thermal comfort model” observed in the design and operation of office space takes into account factors such as the insulation level of clothing. But there is also a nuance here: the model was developed for people in tight men’s suits, and not for those who wear skirts, thin blouses and transparent tights – in general, the air conditioning settings can still be called sexist.