
By | January 26, 2019

What is Omega-3?

Omega-3 is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in marine and vegetable fats. That is, they can not be synthesized by the body, and are obtained only from food. As a rule, the lack of omega-3 in the human body can cause a lot of disorders and diseases. These are natural substances, without which prostaglandins will not be synthesized in the body.

They have anti-inflammatory effect, slow down the appearance of atherosclerotic vessels, improve the functioning of the bronchial system, the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids reologize the blood, as a result of which problems with blood pressure jumps disappear, the risk of blood clots is reduced. As soon as a person receives the necessary portion of Omega-3, he has a reduced risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Omega-3 also helps people with allergies. But the complex reveals the most significant benefit in the ability to prevent oncological diseases. The drug is necessary for a person who needs to improve the activity of the vascular, reproductive and immune systems. It helps strengthen nails, hair and improves skin condition. Contribute to the prevention of stress, increase mental and physical activity.

Omega-3 and bodybuilding

Protein synthesis

One of the key factors of continuous muscle growth is protein synthesis. Fish oil provides a huge boost to its increase. Omega-3 has a greater effect on protein synthesis than DHA. Experts recommend taking Omega-3 with protein – for additional muscle stimulation. Recent medical studies have shown that protein synthesis can be increased by 30% when Omega-3 fats are used with enough protein or amino acids. In addition to increasing protein synthesis, Omega – 3 allowed to increase the cross-sectional area of ​​some muscles.

Reduced catabolism

The impact on the reduction of catabolism is controlled by various processes, as a rule, evidence suggests that omega-3 significantly reduces protein breakdown. In other words, polyunsaturated fatty acids play two unique roles in muscle growth – they stimulate protein synthesis and reduce its breakdown, affecting completely different mechanisms in muscle metabolism.

Immunity restoration

If an athlete falls ill, it is difficult for him to regain his former form. As we said earlier, Omega-3 is a stimulating and supporting drug for the immune system.

Sources of Omega-3

Seafood and fish – the main source. Omega-3 fatty acids are not a single nutrient, but a whole complex, including eicosapentaenoic and dekosehexaenoic acids. Both are found in large numbers in cold-water fish, which is one of the reasons for their lack in most people. It is recommended several times a week to enrich your diet with fat varieties of fish: tuna, trout, sardines, herring and others. In this case, the fish should be baked or boiled. The well-known fact that frozen fish loses up to 50 percent of its beneficial properties. Smoked fish also – loses one third of the fat during cooking. On average, a healthy person needs to consume more than 350 g of fish per week in order to maintain the balance of PUFAs in the body.

Interesting to know! One can contains a three-day omega-3 standard for one person.

Nut, olive and sesame oils are one of the most accessible sources of omega-3. Flax seeds also contain high levels of polyunsaturated acids. Doctors, nutritionists and sports trainers recommend using one teaspoon of flaxseeds in the morning. Thus, a person immediately receives the necessary complex of PUFA. Flax seeds can be bought at any grocery market, while in the assortment of stores, whole flax seeds, ground seeds or flaxseed oil are still sold. In Europe, the sale of pure flaxseed oil is banned due to the high content of pyroxides. It is proven that flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic acid, which can also adversely affect the body, so experts advise making a choice in favor of whole flax seeds. In their composition also contains 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon, and beneficial to the body phytoestrogens. Also, plant sources of omega-3 are: rapeseed oil, broccoli, cantaloupe, beans, spinach, grape leaves, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and walnuts.

People who can not spend a lot of time on cooking, it is recommended to use special supplements that contain the necessary omega-3 complex. These fatty acids are also found in many sports supplements. The most popular are: Fish Oil from Universal Nutrition. The supplement is based on fish oil. It is the best way to keep the cardiovascular system in shape.

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