Rehabilitation plan

By | May 19, 2020

From the point of view of the rehabilitation process, the most attention should be paid to damage to the spine associated with impaired integrity and functionality of the vertebrae. The rehabilitation plan and complexes of measures vary depending on the stability of the damage. So, in case a tendency to vertebral displacement is shown (unstable damage), rehabilitation is based on fixing one. The injury, expressed as wedge-shaped compression, separation of the front corners of the bone body, does not require fixation and may include a wider range of exercises. Each of the methods used today is used strictly according to the indications and on the basis of the results of the examination of the patient. Moreover, all approaches are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the body to create a “muscle corset”, include exercise therapy, physiotherapy and mechanotherapy. In case of complications, electropulse therapy, stimulation of metabolic processes, as well as blood circulation and regeneration are indicated.

Rehabilitation after injuries leading to impaired functioning of the spine and spinal cord varies depending on the degree of damage received. In most cases, the purpose of rehabilitation is the most complete restoration of partially or completely lost or oppressed, as well as the development of the preserved functions of the spinal cord. The least reversible effects of injury occur in the event of a functional or anatomical break. In this case, treatment and rehabilitation measures are aimed at developing functions that ensure the adaptation of the body to new conditions for it. In addition, the task of specialists is to provide the most complete connection between the departments of the spinal cord.

All measures for the rehabilitation of patients suggest a gradual increase in stress to the optimal level. In each case, the termination period for the restoration process is individual, but rarely less than 2-3 months. In particular, the first half of the first month of rehabilitation aims at restoring the cardiovascular and respiratory system, raising the patient’s tone, and preventing the deterioration of the muscles of the body. In the future, until the end of the first month (depending on the damage, this period may increase), the actions of the staff and the patient are aimed at restoring the work of other internal organs, stimulating natural regeneration, preparing the muscles and the whole body to expand the range of movements.

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