Right hand pull

By | January 30, 2019

Different sources under the abstraction of the hand at right angles understand the various exercises. The reference book F. Delavier understands by him an isolated movement on the back delta, but you can find information about other leads, for example, work in the shoulder joint, but on the front delta. In general, there is also a description of the abduction of a hand with a dumbbell to the side, and information about the elbows in front of the chest with such a name. Most sources understand the movement to the back delta by this exercise.

Purpose of the exercise

The back bunch of a deltoid muscle rather actively works in heavy drafts. If you regularly perform deadlifts and are actively working on technology, most likely there is no lack of development in this group. More problems are experienced by those who do not work in heavy basic exercises, for some reason preferring isolated training. In this case, a variety of shoulder movements, including this, come in handy.

In rehabilitation medicine and sports medicine this movement has found its active use. Usually, lead to the rear delta is used for the rehabilitation of the shoulder joint after a shock injury or other types of injury. The movement is performed with minimal burdening, but it helps to increase the rotational capabilities of the joint, increases the amplitude of its movement.

This exercise in rehabilitation and sports medicine is used as a precursor for presses above the head. It is also often used as a warm-up for bench press.

Performance technique

You must choose enough lightweight dumbbells. The option when the last couple of repetitions are performed with significant resistance and require considerable effort is not suitable for rehabilitation movements. If the goal is to strengthen the rear delta, it makes sense to combine this exercise with any other exercises in order to achieve not only a high-quality muscle workout, but also a more harmonious result.

The dumbbell is taken in a straight arm with the usual grip, then the hands are pressed to the body on both sides and rotation is performed – the movement of the dumbbell to the center of the body and the dumbbell being led to the side. Both movements should be accentuated, but should not have “jumps” and “points” in extreme amplitude. Work should be smooth, inertia is completely excluded in this exercise.

For sports and medical purposes, this movement should be preceded by a warm-up of the shoulder joint with rubber shock absorbers or any other shoulder-rotating exercises, but without burdening.

Technical errors are standard for VPN movements:

the rise of the shoulder to the ear, the inclusion in the work of the trapezius muscle, “failure of the trajectory”;
aggressive grip of the projectile, in which the load is transferred to the hand and wrist, and there is pain;
uneven trajectory, dumbbell movement along an elliptical arc, the inclusion of trapezius muscles and back muscles;
muscle overload due to buildup
A peculiar methodological mistake is overloading the training plan with VPN exercises. Many people think that the more such movements they put into their training plan, the faster they will recover from an injury or operation. But this is not the case; in fact, you can only perform a couple of sets of this exercise and a couple of sets of any weight lifting from chest level behind your head to achieve success in rehabilitation.

Those who seek muscle hypertrophy can only be advised to include a reasonable amount of basic movements in their plan, and not to create problems for themselves by doing insulating work with too large weights.

In any case, the exercise is performed with very small weights and in a multiple repetition mode, about 12–20 repetitions per set, in 2–4 approaches.

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