SMT – Super Powerful Training

By | March 5, 2020

In bodybuilding, there are various ways to achieve training stress, without which muscle growth would be simply impossible. One of these possible areas is the so-called heavy-duty training, in short – SMT. Trainings in the style of SMT imply a number of features that allow you to highlight an independent direction in bodybuilding. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Adherents of SMT, that is, representatives of super-powerful training, adhere to the principle in their training programs that in order to achieve the desired threshold for a training impact on a muscle, it is not at all necessary to work it out in a multi-set manner, when training an individual muscle group consists of three to four exercises, each with 5 or 6 approaches. Supporters of SMT believe that in order to stimulate muscle to its subsequent growth, it is enough to perform one, but super-intensive approach, after which the muscle will be tired so much that after passing through its recovery stage, it begins to grow in volume.

Naturally, such a statement does not in any way mean that an athlete training according to the canons of SMT, having come to the gym, immediately sets the maximum working weight and performs an approach with an exorbitant load, and even with an attempt to achieve a complete neuro – muscle failure. Not. As a rule, a training picture called “one hard approach” implies several (from one to three to four) warm-up approaches, and only after that it is supposed to perform an extra-heavy approach in the selected number of repetitions in it.

In the SMT environment, it is believed that for the necessary muscle stimulation it is enough to perform not only the “one” intensive working approach, but also perform it in one exercise. True, for this purpose the most difficult basic movements are selected, the effectiveness of which for the growth of total muscle mass has been proven more than once. The meaning of performing just the basic movements is that complex exercises can cause great stress, which is deprived, for example, of most isolated movements.

The key point is the achievement in the final working approach of muscle failure or the maximum approximation to it. Naturally, this type of training requires an extremely careful attitude to insurance, especially in squats and deadlifts, in which “complete muscle” failure is fraught with the occurrence of injuries. For this reason, the SMT technique for performing movement, both in the warm-up and in the working approach, has its own special role.

The final SMT style approach must be truly intense. Relieving the need to work out a muscle, or muscle group, in many approaches, should be offset by an increase in the intensity of the working approach. In other words, the final working approach should be performed at the limit of the athlete’s physical and mental capabilities. If this fails, which is a fairly common occurrence, it is recommended that two working approaches be worked out, but no more.

SMT training, despite a small set of exercises for training, requires a high degree of focus on everything that needs to be done in the gym, and also requires the full recovery between workouts and the quality of nutrition.

Health benefits for joints and ligaments

Very often, a person engaged in the gym pursues the goal of losing weight and burning fat, which means that he limits his diet in some way. Creating a calorie deficit, very often people get a deficiency of nutrients.

In addition to the fact that we began to eat little foods that help strengthen joints and ligaments. We buy meat tenderloin, and carefully monitor that sellers do not slip us bones. Namely, the bones and cartilages of animals contain a large number of substances that strengthen our bones, joints and ligaments.

In this mode, special supplements that can be bought at a pharmacy or in sports nutrition stores will help keep joints and ligaments healthy.

Glucosamine sulfate is the most effective and common component among athletes to restore and strengthen cartilage and articular ligaments. It promotes the formation of inter-articular fluid and prevents its dehydration and fragility. The average dose for a person per day is 700 mg.

Chondroitin sulfate – the drug consists of the cartilage of large animals, and serves as a lubricant in the joints. Typically, the drug is used in combination with glucosamine, as they perfectly complement each other and provide better protection for the joints.

Collagen is the main component of our body, our skin and bones, cartilage and joints. A protein that is produced by our body to maintain the elasticity and strength of our shell. Strictly speaking, collagen, which is sold as a special nutritional supplement, is nothing more than edible gelatin. Many athletes know this and consume about 10 grams of gelatin daily to maintain joint elasticity and flexibility.

Calcium and Vitamin D are an auxiliary pair for our skeletal system. Where bones are healthy, there are healthy ligaments, since the composition of bones and ligaments is the same. Calcium strengthens bones, and vitamin D contributes to better absorption of calcium in the body.

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