The benefits of charging for the body

By | December 4, 2019

If you do exercises in the morning, this will help not only lose weight, but also strengthen your health. Simple exercises invigorate, energize for the whole day.

How regular physical education affects our body:

  • Blood circulation in all tissues improves. They get more oxygen. This is especially important for the brain. Charging increases concentration, mental processes.
  • After getting up on an alarm clock, many people feel overwhelmed and sleepy for several more hours, and sometimes all day. Coffee helps for a while. Caffeine is eliminated from the body within an hour and a half. Exercising gives energy. After just a few days of regular exercise, it will become easier for you to get up in the morning.
  • Another reason to charge in the morning is to prevent stagnation of venous blood in the limbs.
  • Exercise improves posture. It is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other back problems. What is especially important when sedentary work.
  • Regular exercise in a rhythm that is comfortable for you enhances immunity.
  • Exercising all muscle groups allows a woman not only to lose weight, exercise gives a good mood. Irritation and increased nervous excitement often occur against the background of inactivity. Morning exercises solve this problem as well as possible.

It is believed that regular exercise helps to establish a comfortable mode of the day, improve sleep quality. Plus, all body systems begin to work smoothly, like a clock.

Perform exercises for the muscles of the whole body, this will not only quickly wake up, but also lose weight. Even if you want to adjust only the stomach or hips, the load should be on both the arms and the back.

For weight loss beginners at home, morning exercises are very important. It will accelerate metabolic processes, prepare the body for further training.

How does exercise help you lose weight?

Daily exercise for weight loss will speed up the metabolism. This is due to improved blood circulation. The main thing is to regularly perform it and gradually increase the load.

Even a small complex will reduce appetite. The body will draw energy from body fat.

Home exercise for weight loss improves mood. You stop seizing stress snacks . It becomes easier for you to stick to a diet.

Thanks to strength exercises, the muscles begin to grow. This will increase calorie consumption. The process of burning fat will be faster.

Exercises for the abdomen will help drive fat away from the sides. Body volumes will noticeably decrease, the figure will acquire grace.

Strengthening the muscles of the back, relieve stoop, help to lose weight. You will remove the ugly folds formed from the laundry.

When training, do not forget about the buttocks and legs, charging will make them elastic and toned.

The most effective weight loss systems

The subtleties of charging:

  • Exercise daily.
  • Do not forget about the warm-up.
  • Give the muscles of different groups rest. Alternate the load on them. In one day, pay more attention to the back, in the other press, in the third legs or arms.
  • If you are afraid to get confused, choose a circular complex.
  • Half an hour before the gym, drink a glass of water.
  • To burn fat, you need breakfast one and a half hours after class.
  • The load is increased gradually. Start with simple exercises. At first they are engaged in 10-15 minutes.
  • The duration of charging aimed at losing weight should be 35 minutes.
  • Break honey exercises for no more than 45 seconds, the number of repetitions of at least 20.
  • Complete the lesson by stretching.

The right training set is a great way to lose weight with exercise. If you are not friends with sports, it is important to strengthen all muscle groups. Work them out one by one, do not rush to increase the load.

Exercise for weight loss of the abdomen and sides at home may well consist of simple exercises. We have selected the most effective of them.

For your convenience, some exercises are presented in the pictures that explain the exercises.

Morning exercises for weight loss

Exercising in the morning for weight loss should begin with a warm-up. Stretch, rub your hands and feet with your palms. Take some torso.

Exercises for morning exercises for women who want to lose weight should use all muscle groups. The load on problem areas should be greater. But you do not need to focus only on them. Since fat will “burn” at any load. And the body with all the worked out muscle groups looks harmonious and beautiful.

Exercise for weight loss legs, hips and abdomen may include:

  • Squat Legs wide hips, socks slightly to the side. Keep your back straight, flatten your shoulder blades, set aside your pelvis. Slowly sit down, knees should not go beyond the socks. It is not necessary to do a squat deep. Keep your back straight.
  • The back is straight, legs shoulder-width apart, arms apart. The right leg is bent at the knee while lifting. In the process, you need to touch the knee with the elbow of your left hand. Then they repeat the exercise in mirror.
  • Take a pose as for push-ups. Pull your knees to your chest alternately.

Morning exercises for weight loss abdomen may consist of:

  • Lunges. The back is straight, set the foot forward, we squat. Repeat in mirror.
  • Torso lifting. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Lift the body to the knees.
  • Leg lift. Lie on your back. Legs extended, arms along the body. Do not tear your lower back off the floor, raise your legs at an angle of 30 °, 45 °, 90 °. Stay in a raised position for a few seconds.

In the exercises for legs and buttocks for weight loss include:

  • Get on all fours, lift your legs alternately up, you should feel tension in the gluteal muscle.
  • Lie on your back, arms along the body, legs bend at the knees. Lift your lower back and hips. In the upper position, hold for a few seconds.
  • Strap. Lie on the floor. Lean on your elbows bent at your elbows and toes. Tear your body off the floor. Stay in this position for at least 20 seconds. The longer the better, increase the load daily.

You can include scissors, a birch, a bicycle, familiar to everyone since childhood, in the complex of morning exercises for weight loss of women. You can do swings and rotations with arms and legs.

Effective morning exercises for weight loss should end with a stretch. Do not neglect this step. It will help muscles recover faster.

Weight Loss Morning Gymnastics

Three times a week morning gymnastics for weight loss should consist of strength exercises. Use dumbbells. It is better to immediately buy a kit with different weights in order to gradually increase the load. Dumbbells with removable drives are also suitable.

For each exercise, do three approaches. The number of repetitions is from 8 to 20.

Effective weight loss exercises at home will consist of the following exercises for the back and arms:

  • Stand, feet shoulder width apart. The back is straight. Raise your arms with weight over your head. They must be straight. Bend your hands in turn. The elbow and shoulder should form an angle of 90 °.
  • Place your legs across the width of your hips. Bend the body at 45 °, the knees are also slightly bent. Spread your arms out to the sides.
  • The body position is the same as in the previous exercise. Hands are bent at the elbows. Extend your arms and pull them back. It is important to keep your elbows pressed to the body. The abs and lower back are tense.
  • Take the pose as in the first exercise. Take a dumbbell with both hands. Raise your arms above your head, then bend them.
  • Seth complete with push-ups from the floor or wall. If you don’t get it at all, do push-ups on all fours.

For weight loss of the hips and buttocks, include the following set of exercises in the morning exercise:

  • Squat with dumbbells. It is performed in the same way as a regular one, but arms with weight are straightened in front of themselves.
  • An analogue of deadlift with dumbbells. The back is straightened, the legs are the width of the hips, the arms are heavier, straightened in front of you. It is necessary without lowering the position of the legs to lower the body to an angle of 90 ° with the floor. Dumbbells glide smoothly over the limbs. Using the buttock muscles, return the body to its original stance.
  • Spread your legs wide. Take dumbbells in hands, press to a belt. Bend the leg to the knees, transfer the body weight to it, straining the gluteus muscle. In the process, bend your arm, pulling the weight to your chest.

At home for weight loss every day to strengthen the abs, include the following exercise in exercise. Lie on your back. Raise your legs and bend at the knees. Hands with weight spread to the side. Straighten your legs so that the angle between them and the floor is 45 °. Lift your head and shoulders, arms stretch out in front of you and bring them together. So you strengthen the pectoral muscles.

Cardio- based Slimming Fitness Exercise

Cardio loads are effective for the first time in months. The body quickly gets used to them. Therefore, for a good result, it is necessary to combine them with power.

Morning exercises for weight loss can begin with running in place, it tones the muscles of the whole body. You can continue cardio training by jumping rope. Start with 20, increase the bed to 50-60. Take 30 second breaks between sets.

If you want to devote your morning exclusively to cardio , you can download the press or do exercises for the buttocks and hips at a fast pace with a half-minute break. Any exercises performed with high speed and practically without pauses will create a cardio load.

In the fitness exercise for weight loss, you can include jumping.

  • The back is even, legs together, arms either on the belt or at the chest. Bounce, land to the right, then to the left of the starting point.
  • Squat + jump. Perform a squat, and return to your starting position in a jump.
  • Jumping Jack. Legs shoulder width apart, arms along body. Jump, legs spread apart, arms raise and bring over your head. In the jump, return to the starting position.

For weight loss of legs and hips, jumping and jumping, included in the exercise, is most effective.

The process of losing weight to beginners seems complicated. Many want quick results with minimal effort. We collected the most frequently asked questions and asked them to fitness trainers and nutritionists.

Can I lose weight with exercise?

We lose weight with a calorie deficit, create it only by exercising and lose weight quickly, it doesn’t work out. But if you adjust your menu and perform morning exercises according to the rules, you can get good results.

The complex of exercises for weight loss included in your exercise should include a combination of cardio and weight training . Their alternation is the key to successful weight loss.

What you need to do in addition to charging in order to lose weight?

In addition to morning exercises, girls need to stick to a diet for weight loss. Pharmacy fat burners will speed up the process , the main thing is to take them according to the instructions.

It is possible to disperse the metabolism with the help of folk recipes. Decoctions of many herbs or spices contribute to weight loss.

Choosing the right diet

For quick weight loss of the abdomen and hips, it is necessary to adhere to a low-carb diet, exercise regularly. Simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. This is sugar, sweets, buns. In this case, complex carbohydrates contained in cereals should remain on your menu. You can eat porridge from buckwheat, rice, barley, and oats.

Be sure to two, three meals should contain protein. Better animal origin. You can eat lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, egg white.

Fresh or stewed, baked vegetables should be the basis of the diet. You can eat fruits and berries with a low sugar content (green apples, pears, citrus fruits, avocados, plums, raspberries, kiwi).

Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. Lunch should contain both protein and fats (unsaturated), carbohydrates. Dinner is protein.

Drink up to two liters of water per day. Freshly brewed coffee and green tea also help to lose weight.


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