Therapeutic nutrition for certain diseases.

By | December 24, 2019

For gastritis with high acidity, a diet is recommended.

Food for these patients is boiled in water or steamed, prepared mainly in well-boiled or mashed form. Meat, fish, mushroom broths and gravy, decoctions of vegetables (especially cabbage), all kinds of spicy, sour dishes and foods, spices, fried foods, raw vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, pastry, pancakes, etc. are excluded from the diet .
Vitamins are added in the form of a decoction of rosehip berries, raw sweet berry juices, raw potato juice, as well as pharmacy vitamin preparations. Food is moderately salted. Eating is recommended 5 times a day.

For gastritis with insufficient acidity, a diet is recommended.

You can take various broths, meat, fish , mushroom and vegetable gravy, sour fruit and berry juices, fried dishes (without a rough crust), snacks in the form of chopped herring, grated cheese. The temperature of hot dishes should be about 60 degrees, cold – not lower than 10 degrees (these temperatures are recommended for most diets). The food is cooked in mashed or well-ground form, and salted normally. Eating is recommended at least 4 times a day.

The diet for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum depends on the condition of the patient.

In periods of satisfactory well-being of the patient, you can use the above diet No. 1.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease, the patient’s diet should be consistent with the doctor. Sometimes vegetables of any form and fruits are completely excluded from the patient’s diet for 1-2 weeks, and bread is replaced with a small amount of crackers.

For constipation, a diet is recommended.

Assigned wholemeal bread, raw vegetables and fruits, and vegetable and fruit dishes. Various sugar products (honey, sugar, jam, milk sugar) stimulate the activity of the intestine and facilitate its emptying.
The diet includes yogurt, kefir, matsuni and other lactic acid products.
Lactic acid products should be fresh ( one-day yogurt, kefir No. 1, in which not all sugar is fermented). Pickled and salted vegetables and fruits are recommended. Vegetable oils promote bowel movements. You can mix 1-2 tables. tablespoons of unrefined olive oil with a glass of kefir, matsuni and take throughout the day.
It is recommended to drink sweet cold water in the morning on an empty stomach with prunes or raisins soaked in it, dried apricots (cold honey water can be).
It is necessary to limit the amount of foods with a gentle or astringent effect in the diet: jelly, cocoa, strong tea, blueberries.
Of course, this diet is suitable for regular constipation. If constipation is a consequence of irritable bowel syndrome, then an individual approach is needed , depending on the condition and complaints of the patient.

For chronic colitis in the acute stage , a diet is recommended.

Vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh milk, are excluded from the diet . Instead of bread, the patient receives crackers. All dishes are prepared in shabby form, boiled in water or steamed. The amount of fat in the diet is significantly limited (up to 40-50 g per day), spices are excluded. Vitamins must be added in the form of a rosehip broth and vitamin preparations. It is recommended to eat 4 times a day in small portions. Salt the dishes should be moderate. In the period of satisfactory well-being, it is recommended to follow diet No. 2, significantly limiting or completely eliminating fresh whole milk from the diet (which is used only in diluted form). Instead of milk, lactic acid products are recommended: three-day kefir, acidophilic curdled milk. With some forms of colitis accompanied by diarrhea, on the advice of a doctor, an apple diet is carried out for 1-2 days (in bed): 5-3 times a day for 250-300g of ripe raw apples in a pureed form (without peel and seed box).

For diseases of the liver and biliary tract , a diet is recommended.

The diet includes foods that promote the removal of fat from the liver (cod,
dairy products, especially cottage cheese), as well as vegetables, fruits, and vegetable oil. In the diet, eggs, brains, meat, fish and mushroom broths, gravy and soups, animal fats are limited, in addition to a small amount of butter.
Fried foods are excluded; food is cooked in a boiled or baked
form; meat and fish can be baked after preliminary boiling. Very cold dishes should be avoided. You can salt food normally (with exacerbation, salt is limited).
Food is recommended to be taken at least 4, preferably 5 times a day. With an exacerbation of diseases of the liver and gall bladder, accompanied by gastritis, dishes of diet No. 5 are prepared in pureed form, raw vegetables
and fruits, brown bread are excluded from the diet ; All dishes are steamed or in water (do not bake).

For kidney disease, a diet is recommended.

The amount of protein is reduced as directed by the doctor, primarily due to the restriction of meat, fish and eggs. Of the proteins, proteins of milk and dairy products are preferred . The intake of liquid (up to 1 liter per day) and salt is limited (up to cooking all food without salt and using salt- free bread). Eating is recommended in uniform portions 4-5 times a day. With some forms of kidney disease (nephrosis), the amount of protein in the diet is not only not limited, but also increased. Therefore, the nutrition of the renal patient should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In diseases of the kidney periodically for 1-2 days, so-called. fasting days in the form of a component , vegetable and fruit diet: 1 liter of compote or 1.2-1.5 kg of fruit or 1.2-1.5 kg of salt-free vegetable salad with sour cream ( 50 g ) per day.

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