Thrust of the lower block to the chest (chin) standing

By | August 6, 2019

By standing up to a chest block is meant several exercises. One of them is for the average bundle of the deltoid muscles, the other is for the latissimus dorsi. Usually terminological inaccuracy is eliminated by pointing to the muscle group that the athlete is going to work out in an exercise.

Purpose of the exercise

The block standing on the middle delta is most often given to those who for some reason cannot work with free weights, or need a “final”, “burning out” exercise, or want to do drop sets. This movement contributes to the pampas to a greater extent than hypertrophy, because often used in purely aesthetic purposes.

Standing on the chest level allows you to adjust the posture, and engage in the back of the deltoid bundles, as well as the latissimus and rhomboid muscles of the back. Most often used as a corrective exercise, completing strength training.

Working muscles

If you mean movement for the shoulders, then the rotators of the shoulder, partly the biceps, but mostly – the middle delta. If you mean the movement for the back – the widest, diamond-shaped, posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles.


For shoulders

It is necessary to attach a curved handle to the lower unit, and set the average weight. Then, with one force movement, the shoulders are removed from the ears, the shoulder blades are tightened, and the stomach is pulled inward. Further, the thrust is done so that the elbows go above the heads of the shoulders, while the shoulders themselves remain stable. The weight return also takes place in one smooth motion, without throwing it.

For back

The block system is fixed at chest level. The athlete gets up straight, tightens the abdomen, and leads the arm to the chest with one force movement, straining the back muscles. The return of the weight to its original position is also carried out smoothly.

In both cases, a technical mistake is an open grip when the handle of the simulator lies on the fingers, and is not covered by the palm and fingers. In most cases, an open grip can cause palm and wrist injuries.

In addition, a common technical error – weight lifting by inertia, and the buildup of the whole body, in order to “push” the weight upward. This usually leads to the fact that the athlete loses control of the working muscles, and does not work out the group, which should be sufficiently.

Approaches and repetitions

Seto-repeated scheme is determined depending on the goals of the athlete, and his approach to training. Most people get all the benefits of these movements, working in 8-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

Category: Uncategorized

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