Monthly Archives: February 2021

La solitudine è legata alla genetica

La solitudine è insita nei geni umani – questo è stato dimostrato da uno studio condotto da un gruppo di specialisti dell’Università di Cambridge (Regno Unito). Gli scienziati hanno scoperto 15 variazioni genetiche comuni ai single . I ricercatori vedono la solitudine come l’esistenza di una persona senza un compagno di vita in una casa, in cui le… Read More »

I biologi hanno dimostrato che “l’odore della pioggia” è un’esca

Scienziati dell’Università di Lund (Svezia) hanno dimostrato che l ‘”odore di pioggia” che rimane nell’aria fresca dopo la pioggia crea speciali sostanze volatili che rilasciano microbi del suolo per attirare gli artropodi. Questo è vitale per i microbi perché gli artropodi, vale a dire gli Springtail, aiutano i batteri a diffondersi in tutto il mondo. I leopardi si nutrono di… Read More »

Motivation: The Dog Diet Method

A couple of weeks ago, Zozhnik’s readers were well received by Dan John, who dumped the accumulated wisdom in the article ” Training Longevity – How to Be in Shape All Your Life “. Today Dan broadcasts about motivation and goals without pathos. After the publication of my next article, I receive a lot of messages asking me to write a program. I would love… Read More »

5 Signs Your Fitness Obsession Is Killing Your Joy

Zojnik has translated for you this column by Samantha Kellgren on fitness without obsession . The author is the creator of, marathon fan, Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM), Healthy Lifestyle Consultant (ACE), Running Instructor (RRCA). This column was reviewed by The PTDC community of American trainers and included the material in top recommended reading articles. I’ve always been praised for my willpower, but truth be told,… Read More »

Infections and diseases

Bacteria and viruses evolve faster than we do. Most people speak of disease as referring to infection. In their minds, the scheme is surprisingly simple: microbes enter the body and multiply, causing illness, and doctors prescribe antibiotics that kill these microbes. The reality is much more complicated, interesting and darker. One human generation is approximately twenty-five years. In bacteria,… Read More »

Is there a benefit in frozen berries?

The fact that berries are healthy is beyond doubt. But are frozen berries as healthy as fresh ones? Svetlana Zelentsova , Ph.D., doctor of integrative medicine, specialist in functional nutrition, talks about this . The benefits of berries often exceed those of fruits. Mainly due to the higher polyphenol content and much lower sugar content. But the berry season is so… Read More »

What to do, if…

No matter how much we are told about the uniqueness of each person, but nevertheless, the behavior of absolutely everyone can be considered identical. Our actions performed automatically, as a rule, are similar, and that is why psychology allows not only each of us to open up, but also to learn how to control ourselves and, which… Read More »