Monthly Archives: October 2019

The main goal is to hang more on the bar

There are a lot of bodybuilders and, I confess, I myself used to chase large weights. And all because I read a lot of everything on the Internet and heard a lot of “experienced” pitching, who claimed that the more weight on the bar, the better. Complete nonsense. What a pity that I realized this too late. I hope… Read More »

The same exercises every workout.

When I was stupid (in terms of bodybuilding), and this is as much as 10 years, I had favorite exercises that I always wanted to do. And he did. I chose them because I just liked to make them. And I believed that someday muscles would begin to grow if I continued to do these “favorite” exercises. Years… Read More »

Lack of drinking during exercise

I don’t know why, but all the “experts” say differently – someone recommends drinking water during a workout, while someone claims that it is harmful. I always drank and now drink, even more than before. Because I noticed one simple thing – if you do not drink water at all – you get tired faster and do fewer… Read More »

Wrong exercise technique.

Well, the final mistake that 99% of beginners have and those who after 5 years of training do not see the result is the wrong technique for performing strength exercises. This is a very important point. After eating, probably the most important. Because you can squat with the barbell for an arbitrarily long time, but if you… Read More »

And tletism is one of the oldest ways of physical development

I do not want to be compared to other authors writing on this topic, and therefore I will not tell the story of this sport. I just think it’s odd – nikakoi use it you do not bring. Let me just say that athleticism – one of the oldest methods of physical development, kotoryi constantly evolving and continues to cultivate sei day. The benefits of… Read More »

With the odd well chance to make themselves better

So, if you have already decided for yourself that this is too good a chance to make yourself better not to use it, – congratulations. What will be useful to know for a person who has decided to engage in athleticism? Do not even hope that in a month, another or even in a year you will become like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Although this is in… Read More »

On the selection of the load

Most bodybuilders agree that weight is optimal , which you can lift eight to twelve times, although there are exercise systems that recommend a greater number of lifts for all or individual muscle groups (abdomen (abs), lower leg, neck and other). Athletes also work with less weight in favor of the number of athletes during the preparation for the competition –… Read More »

P Olza proper breathing on their own experience

During the period when I was running, I had to attend the celebration of the birthday of one of my friends (celebrated at the bar). I’m unaccustomed to drinking alcohol, I went over a little , I felt dizzy, and I went out into the fresh air. It did not help, and I suddenly for himself, he began to breathe in rhythm, kotoryi I used while jogging… Read More »