Monthly Archives: December 2018

The best weight loss equipment

The best weight loss equipment Contrary to the well-established opinion, weight loss simulators are required not only for girls, but also for a considerable part of the “strong half” of humanity, they also wouldn’t definitely hurt. However, they often ask the question: which kind of simulator should be purchased for maximum efficiency? An unequivocal answer… Read More »

CrossFit for kids

CrossFit for kids Crossfit for children is one of the most popular methods of physical development of children. Crossfit consists of static, acrobatic, aerobic and gaming exercises that help children develop from childhood dexterity, flexibility, strength, endurance, speed and leadership qualities. Originated crossfit in America, we have become popular since the 2000s. Since then, the… Read More »

Crossover (exercise)

Crossover (exercise) Crossovers are auxiliary exercises for the development of the muscles of the chest, or rather, their inner and lower parts. Performed on a special simulator – blocks. Crossovers are not recommended to be used as completely independent exercises in the “chest” complex, and in combination with such exercises as bench press, bench press… Read More »

The bridge on the shoulders

The bridge on the shoulders The bridge on the shoulders with arms raised is one of the main gymnastic movements. It is found in almost all modern fitness programs and is used in strength training as an auxiliary movement. The bridge with the arms raised is an auxiliary variation of the exercise “extension of the… Read More »

Muscle growth

Muscle growth Bright minds are still struggling with the problem of developing the mechanism of muscle growth. The search for the conditions of their growth, the study of the factors that interact and lead to this process, hormones, genes and much more is included in the range of scientific interests. They also conduct studies of… Read More »

The most effective exercises for calves

The most effective exercises for calves Rises on socks standing. The calf muscles are involved. Standing on the edge of the platform with a height of no more than 5-8 cm, the maximum rise on the toes and fall. In this exercise can be performed in the simulator, and with free weights. Try to avoid… Read More »

How to pump caviar

How to pump caviar Beautifully designed calf muscles to a considerable extent contribute to an aesthetically attractive appearance of an athlete. And on the contrary – underdeveloped calves with “swollen” thigh muscles only disfigure the appearance of an athlete. However, caviar is traditionally the most unloved muscle group by almost all athletes. And the thing… Read More »