Monthly Archives: May 2020

Methods of examination of the patient and principles of treatment

The most appropriate in the treatment of complicated spinal fractures is the joint work of a neurologist, orthopedist and neurosurgeon. The examination of the patient is aimed at determining the degree and nature of damage to the nervous system, spinal deformity, general somatic state, the exclusion of concomitant damage to the limbs and internal organs. The clinical… Read More »

Treatment of spinal and spinal cord injuries

Treatment of a patient who has received (even presumably) a spinal injury, as well as with suspected spinal cord injury, begins at the time of his discovery and even before his delivery to the hospital. The first necessary measure is the immobilization of the spine along its entire length. It is preferable to transport the injured to… Read More »

Rehabilitation plan

From the point of view of the rehabilitation process, the most attention should be paid to damage to the spine associated with impaired integrity and functionality of the vertebrae. The rehabilitation plan and complexes of measures vary depending on the stability of the damage. So, in case a tendency to vertebral displacement is shown (unstable damage), rehabilitation is… Read More »

Complicated spinal fractures

Fractures of the spine, complicated by damage to the spinal cord and its structures – roots and membranes, are observed quite often (in 40-70% of cases). Especially often, spinal cord injuries occur during fracture- dislocation of the spine. Symptoms of Complicated Spinal Fractures The symptomatology of neurological changes is extremely diverse and depends on the varying degree of damage… Read More »

Treatment of complicated spinal fractures

When developing an individual treatment plan for each patient, the main task is to provide the strictest rest for the damaged spine in the form of its complete immobilization in one way or another. It is extremely important to prevent secondary displacement of the vertebrae in the fracture area. Strict fixation is especially necessary for fractures… Read More »

Closed injuries of the spine and spinal cord

Classification of damage to the spine and spinal cord All closed injuries of the spine and spinal cord are divided into 3 main groups. 1. Uncomplicated spinal injuries (subluxations and vertebral fractures without spinal cord injury). 2. Dislocations, fractures and fractures with damage to the spinal cord. 3. Damage to the spinal cord without pronounced bone changes. Closed trauma of… Read More »

Postural disorders

Posture of a person is determined by the position of the pelvis, the bends of the spinal column and the position of the head with respect to the body. The posture of each person is variable: it can be free with complete relaxation of the muscles and tense. Between the two extreme positions , a large number of… Read More »