Category Archives: Medical news

Should you trust calendar contraception?

How does it work? Although the menstrual cycle usually lasts about a month, pregnancy can only occur within a couple of days after ovulation. If you add a few days during which the sperm remain active, you get six to seven fertile (i.e. fertile) days. The difficulty is that you can only see ovulation with an ultrasound examination, and it is… Read More »

Don’t Buzz: How Not to Be Afraid of Electric Toothbrushes

THE FIRST ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH appeared more than sixty years ago, and opinions are still controversial: some say that it cleans better than a manual toothbrush, while others say that it is dangerous for tooth enamel. Dentists’ recommendations often differ too. We figure out how electric toothbrushes differ from manual ones, what they are and how you can actually… Read More »

How to choose a therapist when you are ready to seek help 

THE APPROACH TO A PSYCHOLOGIST is still experienced by many as a serious overcoming, practically a revolution. In American films, heroes go to psychotherapists as if they were going to work; in Russia, making an appointment is a turning point that not everyone dares to. And in vain, because states like the same depression are not a whim that must be… Read More »

How to cheer up in spring: 10 life hacks

Behind three winter months, the days are getting warmer , I want to shake myself up and become more active – but this does not always work out. Anything can interfere: fatigue after a long winter, monotony around or lack of clear plans. We have collected ten life hacks that will help you get out of hibernation, better… Read More »

Playing on the nerves: Why anti-vaccines and HIV dissidents are believed

A few days ago we learned that Russia at Eurovision will be represented by Yulia Samoilova, a singer with the first group of disabilities due to spinal muscular atrophy. Unfortunately, the news was followed by reports that the cause of the disease was a complication of vaccination. In reality, this disease is genetic and cannot be caused by vaccination . We tried… Read More »

Question to an expert: Why spring beriberi is a myth

ANSWERS TO MOST OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ARE EXCITING TO US, we are all used to searching online. In this series of articles, we ask just such questions – burning, unexpected or common – to professionals in a variety of fields. Fatigue, drowsiness, dull complexion at the end of winter and early spring are often associated… Read More »

Women about partner childbirth

THE PRESENCE OF A LOVE PERSON AT LABOR has long become the norm in some countries and is completely UNACCEPTABLE in others – and in an ideal world it depends on the personal choice of a woman. In our country, conservatism is traditionally combined with innovation, and many are still afraid of joint childbirth. We talked with women who decided that… Read More »

10 signs you are healthier than you think

1 You move a lot Going to the gym is often mistaken for being physically active – but in reality, a person who does not exercise on purpose may well be more active than those who visit the fitness center three times a week after a sedentary work. If you walk to the supermarket, walk up… Read More »

I have 5 reasons for this: Why is there a delay in menstruation

LACK OF MONTHS WHEN IT’S TIME TO START ON THE CALENDAR can be frightening – especially if the menstrual cycle has always been regular. Premature bleeding can also give rise to panic – and yet every time it is not necessary to urgently run to the doctor (however, we assume that you see a gynecologist every year). The human body… Read More »