Classic bench press

By | October 30, 2018

Classic bench press is performed in a horizontal position on the bench. The initial position of the bar is on outstretched arms, after which it is lowered by the fingerboard on the chest and after a short pause returns to its original position. There is an alternative way to perform this exercise, when the bar takes the initial position on the stoppers in the frame at the level of the athlete’s chest, and then from this position is squeezed up until the arms are fully aligned and then returns to the stops.

Bench, in which the legs, unlike the classic, are not on the floor, and pressed to the body on the bench, is perfect for those who have problems with the spine due to a strong deflection during exercise in the classical scheme.

The so-called “touch” press is performed similarly to the classical technique, only a pause, during which the fingerboard touches the chest, should be as small as possible. However, competitive powerlifting technology involves pushing the bar up only after the team that allows it.

The press in the frame reduces the amplitude of the movement of the bar with the help of stops, which are installed at the level of the athlete’s chest in the power frame. This training option is convenient in cases where the athlete is only recovering from an injury or when there is no partner around who can hedge.

Distinguish the class of exercises on the bench with a sloping top, among which are:

The bench press with a tilt upwards most of all involves the upper part of the pectoral muscle, in this case it is the execution technique that plays a big role, not the weight of the barbell. In this case, the greater the angle of inclination of the bench, the greater the burden on the front delta-shaped muscles;
A bench press with a downward slope strengthens the lower part of the pectoral muscle, to achieve the maximum effect, it is desirable to straighten the arms at the highest point, but this exercise is quite dangerous, therefore it is better to use insurance, and for those who suffer from increased intracranial or intraocular pressure or have problems with cardio -vascular system, it is better to avoid this exercise altogether;
The bench with the reverse grip mostly loads the top of the pectoral muscle and shoulder joint, while it is quite inconvenient and dangerous to remove the barbell from the racks by yourself, so it is better to perform this exercise with insurance.

The advantage of the bench press with dumbbells instead of the barbell is that in this exercise, the projectile can be lowered much lower, which allows you to use the muscles you train more.

The bench press with back deflection due to the reduction of the trajectory of the rod movement allows you to take more weight, while the load is redistributed to the bottom of the chest. This exercise is not recommended for those who have back problems.

The bench press on Smith’s simulator is relatively safe due to the fact that the bar moves vertically in the frame, but the development of certain strength indicators during such trainings remains incomplete.

The press with a narrow grip improves the shape and volume of the triceps, and also involves the triceps muscle, the delta and the upper part of the pectoral muscle. The distance between the fingers with the direct grip of the neck in this exercise should be no more than 40 cm.

A wide grip bench press is often used in powerlifting to train projectile jolts from the chest. This exercise is characterized by a small amplitude of the movement of the rod due to its close proximity to the chest, however, this allows more weight and more attention to working on the pectoral muscles, and not the triceps, as with a press with a narrow grip. This exercise is effective for the growth of the chest and shoulders.

The French bench press is recommended to be performed using a curved bar for lifting the load from the forearm. This exercise aims to develop the triceps. It is performed with a narrow grip, but at the same time the bar of the bar goes down not to the chest, but on the head. In this case, the legs should rest solely on the floor, and not on the bench, so as not to lose balance and not be injured.

As with any basic strength training, it is necessary to do a general warm-up in preparation for the press. Begin the exercise with warm-up sets with an empty neck or low weight, which will warm up the core muscles and protect themselves from injury.

After the boom is removed from the racks with the help of an insurer, it is necessary to balance it in order to neutralize side-to-side swing. To do this, just hold it on outstretched arms. After that, you need to reduce the shoulder blades and begin to slowly lower the barbell to the chest, controlling its movement.

You should make sure that the athlete takes the correct position on the bench, which implies four points of support, namely in the occipital region, at the level of the shoulder blades, pelvis and feet. A look should be directed directly upwards and not try to follow the barbell during the exercise.

During the execution of the press you need to ensure that the deflection in the lower back is moderate, so that avoid injury. The shoulder blades should be flattened, the shoulders should be turned back, and the chest should be forward. Legs should be widely spaced and confidently lean feet to the floor. Straining the buttocks, the lifter also gains additional stability on the bench and removes excessive tension from the waist. The fingerboard should be kept closer to the base of the palm, and not to the fingers, the elbows should be in line with the hands. collarbone When choosing the optimal weight for the bench press, you need to remember that less weight is used when building muscle mass, and more weight is used when building strength. An interesting recommendation is about experimenting with the thickness of the neck. For example, after exercising for a certain time using a thicker neck than in the Olympic bar, you can feel that exercises with the neck of standard sizes become easier. It is also equally important to find the optimal width of the grip, which makes it possible to achieve maximum results based on the individual characteristics of the athlete. So, for those with well developed triceps, a narrower grip is suitable, and for those whose strength is the strength of the chest muscles – a wide grip. As in doing any other exercise, it is important to breathe correctly while lying on the bench. It is recommended to take a deep breath when the bar is on top or resting on the frame stops, lowering the bar, it is better to hold your breath, and you need to exhale while pressing the bar up.

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