Product: capsules
Price: from 200 rubles (capsules 250 mg, 40 pieces)
Terms of leave from the pharmacy: without a prescription
Indications for use. Protects the heart in conditions of oxygen starvation, helps to cope with the consequences of heart attacks and strokes. In some cases, it is used to treat alcoholism (in combination with specific therapy).
Status in sports. The main active ingredient is meldonium, because of which Maria Sharapova, Julia Efimova, Pavel Kulizhnikov, Semyon Elistratov and a little more than a hundred sportsmen from different countries and disciplines are suspended from the competition.
Under the ban, milledonia was on January 1, 2016. He was referred to the class of hormones and modulators of metabolism and banned both in the competitive and out-of-competition periods.
You can find meldonia not only in “Mildronate” or “Cardion”. It also contains “Angiocarcidylum”, “Vazomag”, “Vazonat”, “Indrinol”, “Medatern”, “Melfor”, “Midolat”, “Mildroksin”, “Trizipin”, “Trimedronate”. And this is not a complete list.
Relief Ultra
Product: candles
Price: from 500 rubles (candles, 12 pieces)
Terms of leave from the pharmacy: without a prescription
Indications for use. A remedy for hemorrhoids.
Status in sports. The “Relif Ultra” contains hydrocortisone, which belongs to the class of glucocorticoids and is banned for use both in competitions and during preparation for them.
Glucocorticoids are hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands and in some cases can be used to increase body weight and strength. But most of all WADA experts are concerned not with this, but with side effects from the use of such substances, including obesity and diabetes mellitus.
There is an important clarification: only substances that are administered orally, intravenously, intramuscularly or rectally fall under the ban. The latter method is just relevant in the case of Relief Ultra. In this case, an earlier version of the drug – “Relief” – has no forbidden substances.
Product: nose spray
Price: from 220 rubles (10 ml bottle)
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: without a prescription
Indications for use. One of the most popular cure for the common cold and its complications is sinusitis and sinusitis. Quickly liquefies phlegm, has anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates the swelling of the mucous membrane.
Status in sports. Among the components of “Rinofluimacil” is tuamine-heptane. The substance was included in the list of banned in 2009. WADA attributes it to a class of stimulants and warns that too frequent use can be dangerous for the cardiovascular system.
Before the 2010 Olympics, traces of tuinoheptane were found in the blood of Russian hockey player Svetlana Terentyeva. The athlete was able to prove that she used “Rinofluimucil” for the treatment of a cold, and the matter ended in reprimand. French basketball player Joseph Gomis was less lucky – he was disqualified in 2013 for six months. A Belarusian rider Tatyana Sharakov was suspended from the competition immediately for 18 months.
Adelphan Eisidrex
Product: tablets
Price: from 130 rubles (30 tablets)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. Assign a hypertension – a steady rise in blood pressure, especially in cases where it is not possible to identify the exact causes of the disease.
Status in sports. The hydrochlorothiazide contained in the composition is a diuretic. These substances reduce the amount of fluid in the tissues. In some cases, can be used for other purposes – to reduce weight. In addition, they also increase the excretion of sodium, potassium and chlorine and, with prolonged use, can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. WADA considers this a sufficient reason to prohibit them in sports.
Product: tablets
Price: from 370 rubles (100 mg tablets, 10 pieces)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. Nootropic agent. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, especially in cases where abnormalities are associated with impaired metabolic processes in the brain. In addition, the drug improves memory, increases concentration and even helps to fight obesity.
Status in sports. Questions to “Fenotropil”, more precisely to its component – fonotracetam (better known as carphedon), WADA specialists have appeared for a long time. By January 2000, they were able to prove that this substance is able to exert a pronounced stimulating effect on motor reactions and increase physical performance.
The loudest story associated with its use, happened at the Olympic Games in 2006. Then the traces of the stimulator were revealed in the doping test of the Russian biathlete Olga Pyleva (after the marriage – Medvedtseva). As a result, Pylev was deprived of Olympic silver in an individual 15 km race and was disqualified for two years, and the doctor Nina Vinogradova, who appointed her a phenotropil, without coordinating this with the national team doctors, was deprived of the right to work with athletes for 4 years.
Form release: suspension for injection; pills
Price: from 300 rubles (4 mg tablets, 50 pieces); from 500 rubles (ampoules 40 mg / ml, 5 pieces)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. The Kenalog has a wide range of activities. In the form of tablets, it can be prescribed for the treatment of asthma or bronchitis. And injections help to cope with inflammatory diseases of the joints. In addition, it can be effective in controlling psoriasis and various dermatitis.
Status in sports. The active substance of the drug – triamcinolone – belongs to the class of glucocorticoids. And in this case, it is especially important, what method of use will be chosen by the doctor. The use of these substances orally, intravenously, intramuscularly or rectally in sports under strict prohibition. At the same time, WADA does not object to nasal, intraarticular, periarticular and local use of glucocorticoids and preparations based on them.
Form release: aerosol for inhalation
Price: from 1200 rubles (120 doses)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. It is most often used as a maintenance therapy for bronchial asthma.
Status in sports. “Zenheil” is a complex combined preparation. In its composition at once several substances from the list of WADA. So, for example, one of the active substances – mometasone furoate – belongs to the class of glucocorticoids. They are prohibited, but with certain reservations and concessions, among which the actual for “Zhenheyl” inhalation use.
Another component of the drug is formoterol. It belongs to the class of beta-2 agonists. These substances stimulate adrenoreceptors. In this case, those that are in the bronchi. As a result, the bronchi expand, and the bronchial patency is improved. Taking this into account, WADA specialists decided to limit the dose of formoterol – no more than 54 mcg / day. In one dose of “Zhenheyl” 5 μg of substance. Thus, a day a sportsman can afford not more than 10 injections of the drug. At the same time, it is always necessary to indicate in the protocol of doping control when and in what quantities Zenheil was used. These rules and restrictions apply to all medications for asthma and most of the drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, up to pneumonia.
Product: tablets
Price: from 250 rubles (tablets 250 mg, 24 pieces)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. Diuretic. Helps cope with swelling and with the consequences of acute “altitude” illness (shortens the time of acclimatization). In addition, it is used for relief of acute attacks of glaucoma.
Status in sports. Strictly speaking, it is not doping. But because of pronounced diuretic properties helps to quickly remove traces of prohibited substances. For such drugs in the black list WADA has a separate class – masking agents. Their presence, albeit indirectly, indicates the use of doping.
Form release: solution or suspension in special systems-cartridges (cartridges, cartridges and syringes-pens) or vials
Price: from 500 rubles (solution for injections, 9 ampoules)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. Diabetes mellitus type I. Insulin is the most important regulator of carbohydrate metabolism.
Status in sports. The most widespread was in bodybuilding, especially in combination with anabolic steroids, which accelerate the formation and renewal of the structural parts of cells and muscles. Specialists of WADA have long paid attention to such properties of insulin, as well as its ability to accelerate metabolism and increase endurance and introduced it into the banned list (class – modulators of metabolism).
All diabetics undergo mandatory registration of WADA, after which they are entitled to use insulin. For the rest of the drug under strict prohibition.
Product: tablets
Price: from 120 rubles (20 mg tablets, 60 pieces)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. It is recommended for the prevention of angina pectoris and dizziness of vascular origin.
Status in sports. He got on the prohibited list of WADA in 2014. The agency’s specialists attributed it first to a class of stimulants and were banned from use only during competitions. But in 2015, revised their attitude and transferred to a class of hormones and modulators of metabolism. These substances are prohibited in sports always.
“Trimetazidine” has many analogues. The most common: “Antisten Tricuktan MB”, “Deprenorm”, “Karmetadine Trimectal”, “Carditrym Trimed” and “Preductal”.
Form release: solution for infusions
Price: from 150 rubles (polymer container 250 ml)
Conditions of leave from the pharmacy: under the prescription
Indications for use. Normalizes acid-base balance and gas composition of blood, promotes the excretion of bile acids, toxins and metabolic products.
Status in sports. The drug itself in sports is not prohibited. WADA does not like the way of its introduction – intravenous injection. At the request of the Anti-Doping Agency, intravenous injections are allowed only if their volume does not exceed 50 ml, and the interval between them is at least 6 hours. A daily dose of “Reamberina” for adults reaches 800 ml.
Product: syrup and tablets
The price: from 320 rubles (a tablet of 20 mkg, 50 pieces); from 110 rubles (syrup 1 mcg / ml, a bottle of 100 ml)
Terms of leave from the pharmacy: without a prescription
Indications for use. It is widely used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Status in sports. Clenbuterol actively affects adrenoreceptors and improves breathing. In addition, there are studies that confirm that clenbuterol stimulates the growth of muscle mass. WADA refers it to a class of anabolic agents and prohibits use both during competitions and in preparation for them. Despite this, traces of the substance are often found in the doping samples of athletes. So, the Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador lost the victory at the Tour de France -2010 and the Giro d’Italia -2011 precisely because of such a test. At the same time, his colleague Australian Michael Rogers was able to prove that doping got into his body with meat – farmers also use clenbuterol. Most often this is done in Mexico. WADA studies have revealed that approximately 75% of local meat contains traces of this prohibited substance.