Vitamin D (Vitaminum D)

By | January 13, 2020

It was first obtained from vegetable oil. Vitamin D is abundant in fish, seafood, fish oil, pork and beef liver, cottage cheese, cheese, nettles, potatoes, oatmeal, nuts, and linseed oil.

At present, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are of practical importance. In humans, vitamin D is formed in the surface layers of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
Vitamin D in the body affects phosphorus, calcium, water metabolism, helps to strengthen teeth, bones, normal muscle condition (including cardiac), provides absorption of Ca in the small intestine, regulates the reproduction of cells, metabolism, stimulates the synthesis of a number of hormones. Under the influence of vitamin D, acrocyanosis disappears, sweating and sebum secretion increase, hair improves, water content in the skin normalizes. There is evidence that vitamin D, acting on the central nervous system, has a normalizing effect on the vascular reactions of the skin. Indications for use. Scleroderma, violation of lipoid, phosphorus and mineral metabolism, rickets, low immunity.

Mode of application.
To prevent rickets in newborns, vitamin D is prescribed to a pregnant woman from the 30-32th week of pregnancy for 10 days, the general course is from 400,000 to 600,000 ME. Nursing mothers are prescribed 500 ME daily. For healthy full-term babies, vitamin D2 is prescribed from the 2-3rd week of life at 500 IU per day. Elevated doses are prescribed to premature babies – 8000 ME per day. Doses and duration of the course are selected individually, depending on the condition, age and indications. Vitamin D3 is prescribed together with Ca, since D3 promotes the absorption of Ca in the intestine.

Vitamin E (Tocopheroli acetas) . Tocopherol acetate.

Colorless oily liquid, soluble in fats. Contained in vegetable oils, as well as in the green parts of plants, especially in young sprouts of cereals, in nuts, liver, yolks, spinach, legumes, milk, soy, wheat, flax seeds and linseed oil, oats , etc. Received from vegetable oils, as well as synthetic. Being an active antioxidant (antioxidant), it inhibits the development of free radicals, thereby protecting the cells of our body from their destructive effects. Vitamin E inhibits the metabolism of proteins of nucleic acids and steroids, normalizes the reproductive system of both men and women, affects the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular system. Tocopherol cleans blood vessels from blood clots, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots, and prevents aging of the skin and the whole body from aging (the “vitamin of youth”).

Indications for use.
As an antioxidant, with muscular dystrophy, menstrual irregularities, the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, ovarian dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, frequent colds, and liver diseases. In cosmetology, it is prescribed for scleroderma, atrophic acrodermatitis, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, pseudoxanthoma, seborrhea, photodermatosis, aging skin. But you should not abuse the intake of vitamin E, since its excess also leads to complications, as well as a deficiency.

Mode of application.
The daily need for vitamin E for children from 5-15 mg, adults – 10 mg, for pregnant and lactating mothers – 10-14 mg. The dosage and duration of the course of vitamin E depends on age and indications. Vitamin E is also available with Vitamin A for better absorption of both vitamins.

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