Carnitine is needed when there is a need to increase overall and special endurance. It is necessary in running, rowing, swimming and other aerobic sports. If the athlete does not need to reduce body weight, but at the same time the enhanced energy is important, L-carnitine can be combined with fats. When it is necessary to avoid weight loss during training, it is prescribed in combination with a high-fat diet. Levokarnitin is also prescribed in large doses.
The ability to increase stamina, which is necessary in any sports, is a very important quality for athletes. Anabolic effect can be observed in combination with a decrease in fatty layers. That is why the effect of use should be evaluated not by the standard circumferences of the limbs and by weighing, but by determining the percentage of fat mass and total body weight.
An excellent effect will be achieved if L-carnitine is used in combination with a balanced diet and exercise program. This sport is not doping, its use in sports nutrition has no limitations.
If there are no genetic failures, then the course of application should be short, in case of use for a long time you can observe the effect of cancellation. That is, the biosynthesis of its own L-carnitine is reduced, and the use of exopreparation is required on an ongoing basis.