Monthly Archives: January 2020

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

It belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. Got the name “thiamine” due to the presence of sulfur in its molecule. It is a coenzyme of cocarboxylase, necessary for the activation of redox processes in the body. It plays a large role in carbohydrate metabolism, affects the functions of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems. The lack of… Read More »

Vitamin B5 (Calcii pantotthenas). Calcium Pantheon

Contained in yeast, liver, egg yolk, peas, legumes, grains. Included in a number of coenzymes, it provides acetylcholine synthesis, ascorbic acid metabolism, has a detoxifying effect, activates redox processes in the body, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones in the body, which makes it a powerful tool for the treatment of arthritis, colitis, allergies and… Read More »

Folic acid (Acidum folicum).  

Vitamin B9. It is an integral part of B vitamins. It stimulates erythropoiesis, participates in the synthesis of amino acids (methionine, serine), nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines and in the exchange of choline. It is an integral part of group B vitamins. Indications for use. Megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women, preparation for pregnancy, alimentary and other anemia, spru, psoriasis, radiation… Read More »

Vitamin B15 (Calcii panganat). Calcium Pangamate

It increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, eliminates the effects of hypoxia, improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in oxidative processes, and has a lipotropic effect. Pangamic acid activates the exchange of oxygen in tissue cells, stimulates the adrenal glands, helps restore liver tissue, has anti-inflammatory, anti-hyaluronidase properties. Protects the liver from the damaging effects of… Read More »

Vitamin D (Vitaminum D)

It was first obtained from vegetable oil. Vitamin D is abundant in fish, seafood, fish oil, pork and beef liver, cottage cheese, cheese, nettles, potatoes, oatmeal, nuts, and linseed oil. At present, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are of practical importance. In humans, vitamin D is formed in the surface layers of the skin under… Read More »

Vitamin F (Vitaminum F)

The symbol for a mixture of a group of unsaturated fatty acids is linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic. Vitamin F c is called lipid preparations containing essential fatty acids, in particular gamma-linolenic. Anticholesterol Vitamin. Contained in vegetable oils and lard, linseed oil, sunflower, soybeans, peanuts; oatmeal , corn, nuts. All vegetable oils should be first cold pressed, unfiltered, undeodorized, because when heated, the vitamin is… Read More »

Vitamin PP (Acidum nicotinicum). A nicotinic acid. 

It takes an active part in carbohydrate, protein and porphyrin metabolism. It has a pronounced effect on the central nervous system, causes the expansion of peripheral blood vessels. Niacin has lipoproteinemic (lowering blood lipoprotein levels) activity. In large doses (3-4 g per day) lowers the content of triglycerides and beta-lipoproteins in the blood. With a lack of… Read More »


Alcoholic liver damage is a group of acute and chronic liver diseases caused by systematic alcohol abuse. There are 4 types of alcoholic liver lesions: liver dystrophy, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis (fatty degeneration with hepatocyte necrosis and mesenchymal reaction) and cirrhosis. The nature of the liver lesion does not always depend directly on the amount of alcohol consumed, but WHO does not recommend consuming more… Read More »