The safest anabolic steroids with minimal side effects: a list of drugs

By | May 29, 2020

When the limit of physical capabilities is running out, and the body wants to add a couple more extra pumped muscles. In the thoughts of a novice athlete, the thought “it’s time to connect steroids” skips. The most important thing with this decision is not to lose health. After all, the side effects from the use of anabolic drugs are quite severe.

Let’s see if there are steroids that are not harmful to health? Drugs without side effects, but with the help in the selection of muscle mass and with the improvement of the physical characteristics of the athlete’s body.

Are there steroids without side effects?

Most anabolic steroids have a number of negative effects. Under their influence, the cardiovascular system and liver are primarily affected. It is also difficult to avoid hormonal and metabolic disruptions in the body. Manufacturers are releasing more and more new drugs.

At the same time, such funds are often aimed at beginners, who simply don’t understand what can be taken, and what should be feared. Inexperienced athletes think that without taking anabolic steroids, their muscles will not grow. At best, they follow the advice of their roommates; at worst, they choose drugs on the Internet, not taking into account their danger.

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Of course, there are a number of steroid drugs that are positioned as safe. But absolutely harmless anabolics do not exist, since all drugs are made exclusively by synthetic means.

The safety of a certain number of steroids is maintained only if the dosage is observed. When an athlete exceeds the indicated norm or worse takes them uncontrollably, along with a positive effect on muscle growth, health problems come, although at first they are not pronounced.

The safest steroids for gaining muscle mass

Despite the lack of absolute safety and confidence in steroids for gaining muscle mass, there are a number of proven drugs that inspire confidence and, if the dosage is respected, do not harm health.

Let’s go through the list of “steroids without side effects” and find out their characteristics.

1. Oxandrolone . The most powerful safe steroid in all respects. He has long taken the position of a drug that gives maximum progress with minimal side effect. At the same time, the athlete’s muscle mass increases, without disturbing the muscular structure.

The positive features of Oxandrolone are as follows:

» Perfectly burns subcutaneous fat; ” Does not extend its burning effect on the joints; ” Does not affect the liver, subject to dosage; »It is well removed from the body of the athlete.

Oxandrolone is a synthetic analogue of male testosterone. It has a very low androgenic index, that is, the tendency to side effects is almost zero. But it should be remembered that very high doses and the use of the drug on an ongoing basis can still cause a number of negative consequences for the athlete’s body.

2. Stanazolol ( Winstrol ). This steroid comes to the rescue when an athlete needs to improve the visual image of his body. Muscle relief is the main goal of the drug. It does not increase muscle mass, but at the same time fights for aesthetics.

The main positive characteristics of the product:

» Helps to increase the overall stamina of the body; » Works on the power qualities of the body; ” Makes the muscles dried out; ” Acts as an active burner of fat cells.

Despite the positive image of the drug, the intake of Stanazolol has pitfalls. Together with drying of muscles, joints and ligaments are dried. With prolonged consumption of steroids of this type, injuries can not be avoided. Side effects, such as acne, occur after taking large doses.

3. Oral- Turinabol . This drug, although it is considered safe, however, in excess of the normal amount, it negatively affects the liver. Its main goal is an active set of muscle mass. Unlike other anabolics, Turinabol adheres to resistance: after stopping the drug, muscle loss in the body is not observed up to 1 month. For this feature, the tool is respected by athletes.

4. Trenbolone . The steroid is designed to increase the strength characteristics of the body. Used to build muscle mass. If the dosage is not respected, the drug increases the pressure in athletes. May cause bouts of aggression and impaired proper sleep. Do not worry, such consequences are possible only when taking decent doses of Trenbolone .

5. Boldon . Like most steroids, it serves to build muscle mass. The drug copes with this task quickly enough, in addition, it does not retain excess fluid in the body.

Contributes to the following processes:

» Increases the level of red blood cells in the blood, stimulates the formation of new ones; » Included in the work of protein synthesis; » Improves the athlete’s appetite.
The following can be said about the side effects: negative consequences are extremely rare, in case of non-compliance with the rules of administration, baldness may occur.

6. Masteron . One of the commonly used drugs. Associated with the beauty of muscle relief. With it, you can achieve a low percentage of body fat. In parallel, he works on the endurance of the body and adds energy to the athlete.

7. Primbolan . Most often, tablet versions of the drug are used, and injections are for an amateur. It behaves carefully with the liver, which means that with the right dosage it will not harm. Included in the general course during the drawing of the muscle relief.

Three leaders in the ranking of “safest steroids”:

» Oxandrolone » Stanazolol ( Winstrol ) » Oral- Turinabol

They are more gentle on the athlete’s body, but at the same time they persistently perform their main functions.

And so we found out that more or less harmless anabolics exist. But at the same time, the doses of the drugs and the duration of taking the course of steroids, even the safest, must be observed. Otherwise, it would seem that the most harmless means turns into a slow destroyer of human health.

What should be a safe steroid course?

A safe steroid course is considered when its negative effect on the athlete’s body is minimal. In this case, the athlete complies with the dosage rules of the preparations, the frequency and connection between themselves.

The safest course of steroids when the following characteristics are woven together:

” Low toxicity of drugs – minimal harm to both individual organs of the athlete and the body as a whole; ” Low androgenic index – minimum side effects; ” Low aromatization (aromatization – testosterone is converted to estradiol ).
More on the topic: Side effects of growth hormone

List of the most dangerous anabolic steroids

Dangerous anabolic steroids a decent amount. Their negative impact on the athlete’s body and health status has been proven. At the same time, many athletes endanger themselves in pursuit of muscle growth and the beauty of the terrain. Consider the top 5 most dangerous steroids that have serious side effects.

1. Synthol . This aggressive anabolic should not be used by beginners. Professionals use the drug to “pump” the muscles. The injection is injected into the desired muscle, but it can damage the vessel. Such manipulations threaten with loss of motor abilities of different parts of the body.

2. Fluoxymesterone . The drug cannot increase muscle mass, but please destroy the liver and prostate gland.

3. Growth hormone. The biggest danger in this tool is the growth of not only muscle mass, but also all neoplasms in the body. If the athlete has a predisposition to the occurrence of malignant tumors, growth hormone will contribute to their development.

4. Insulin. All useful and effective qualities of this hormone are crossed out by side effects in the form of a set of fat, and primarily visceral.

5. Nandrolol . Excellent results from the action of this anabolic are undeniable. But at the same time, the drug causes a negative effect on the athlete’s reproductive system.

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There are no completely harmless anabolic steroids for both beginners and professionals. When choosing drugs, always focus on the minimum number of side effects. Screen out products with toxic effects, leave those that bring the desired effect, but do not endanger your health.

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