Monthly Archives: September 2020

Ultimate Educational program

WHAT IS ALTIMAT? Ultimate is a team sport with a flying disc (frisbee). The game is played on a field measuring 100×37 meters. The playing part of the field is 64×37 meters and scoring zones in which you need to catch a disc 18×37 meters. The task of each team is to win a point. To score a point,… Read More »


Rowing is an Olympic water sport in which participants, while in a boat, use oars and their own strength to overcome the distance with their backs forward (unlike rowing and canoeing ). The International Rowing Federation (FISA) (FR. Federation Internationale des Societes d’Aviron , FISA) is an association that is responsible for the development of rowing in the world, as well as the organization and… Read More »

What kind of aikido is this sport? 

Features of the sport Like many martial arts, they have their own philosophy, so aikido allows you not only to learn to defend yourself in a difficult moment, but also to fill your life with meaning. Eliminate inner emptiness. You can get to know yourself through classes and find out what the meaning of life is. These… Read More »

Stretching for beginners – all about the benefits of stretching

It is impossible to imagine a full workout without stretching . Stretching is necessary for muscles after strength loads, with a permanent sedentary lifestyle. It makes muscle fibers elastic and flexible, and reduces the risk of injury and damage. In fitness, stretching refers to a separate area – stretching . Such training is possible both with a trainer and at home. Stretching is useful for the… Read More »

What is Pole Dance – pole or pole dancing?

Today we will talk about pole dancing – Pole Dance , because today it is one of the most relevant dance trends, as well as how pole dancing differs from pole dancing in strip clubs, because it is far from the same thing. What is Pole Dance ? Pole Dance is a pole dance (steel pole) that combines elements of choreography, artistic gymnastics and acrobatics.… Read More »


Modern sports are characterized by noticeable rejuvenation. In gymnastics, swimming, athletics, etc. still young athletes achieve success with everything. Victory in sports arenas, the delight of spectators, parents, praise from the press, the very peculiarity of sports, where competitions reveal the superiority of one person over other people – all this is a very heavy burden on the… Read More »


At the present stage, physical culture and sports in educational institutions have acquired great social strength and significance. Since they are not only an effective means of physical development of students, strengthening and protecting their health, a sphere of communication and manifestation of social activity of children and young people, a reasonable form of organizing and… Read More »


Assessing the state of the modern pedagogical theory of education and humanistic practice, it can be noted that a specific didactic content, a set of tasks and exercises are developed in the physical, labor, mental, aesthetic education of a person. For moral education, this question is the most difficult. In pedagogy, there is, as it were, a… Read More »