I have 5 reasons for this: Why is there a delay in menstruation

By | September 10, 2021

LACK OF MONTHS WHEN IT’S TIME TO START ON THE CALENDAR can be frightening – especially if the menstrual cycle has always been regular. Premature bleeding can also give rise to panic – and yet every time it is not necessary to urgently run to the doctor (however, we assume that you see a gynecologist every year). The human body is sensitive to a variety of influences, and unexpected factors can affect such a subtle thing as hormonal balance. We figure out when you still need to sound the alarm, and when you can ignore the failure of the menstrual cycle.



Perceived stress levels in one study correlated with menstrual irregularities. At the same time, background stress , for example, associated with everyday work, especially if it is negative, can contribute to the development of premenstrual syndrome and painful periods. Many women complain of extra periods after the flight – no explanation has yet been found for this, but some studies have confirmed a more frequent irregularity in the flight attendants’ cycle.

The reason may be stress in all its manifestations – a change in the environment and climate, a change in activity and nutrition – and the failure of cyclic processes in the body due to a change in time zones. Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, and fluctuations within these limits are not considered deviations – but only reflect the sensitivity of the body.

Taking hormonal drugs


Against the background of hormonal contraceptives, ovulation does not occur – which means that there is no menstruation either. Traditional pills are designed to cause withdrawal bleeding once a month – and this was invented sixty years ago to “calm down” women so they don’t feel like their periods have disappeared.

Today, there is much more knowledge about how our body works – and there is practically no sense in artificially created bleeding. Therefore, new means appear, with the use of which bleeding occurs every three months – or even disappears altogether. So that this does not come as a surprise, it is enough to study the instructions for use of the drug; remember that not all side effects are unfavorable, but they are called side effects because they are different from the purpose of the drug.



This is the period when the body is gradually preparing for menopause, the end of the reproductive period. For some women, this process can begin at about thirty-five or forty years. This does not mean that menopause will soon come – there may be fifteen more fertile years ahead, during which smooth hormonal changes will occur, which are expressed , among other things, in the irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

This is a long process, and a good gynecologist-endocrinologist at regular appointments will help you navigate and maintain good health. It is urgent to consult a doctor if the bleeding, on the contrary, is too profuse, frequent and long – this may be a sign of diseases requiring treatment.

Wasting or gaining weight


Menstrual irregularities often accompany gain or severe weight loss and can include irregular or even no periods. With significant deviations of body weight from normal, metabolism is disturbed – and, since different endocrine processes in our body are closely interconnected, all functions associated with the action of hormones, including reproductive ones, come under attack. Of course, in this case, it is worth seeking help, and not only to the gynecologist – you need to eliminate the root cause, for example, treat anorexia nervosa , and normalize body weight.



Of course, a missed period is a reason to take a pregnancy test if you have had sex in the recent past and are not using highly effective contraception. Bleeding, however, also does not always confirm that everything is under control: it happens that pregnancy begins and ends at a very early stage, which looks like a profuse and painful menstruation that began almost on time. Therefore, it is better to still use reliable methods of contraception, without exposing the body to additional stress. If your period is very different from the usual – long, painful, with a fever – see your doctor.

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