A note on how best to sit in front of the computer

By | November 12, 2020

Most of us, including you,% username%, spend a lot of time sitting in front of a monitor. Many people at the same time exercise and go to the gym – this solves the problem, but only partially. Sitting for a long time is generally harmful (unnatural), but sitting incorrectly is an order of magnitude more harmful. Since most of us cannot refuse long sittings, we will talk about how to sit correctly and comfortably – so that your eyes, back, and hands do not hurt.

It is important to say that there is no unambiguous recipe that would suit everyone, without exception, and many questions are individual. The main thing is not to ignore them and not hush up – then you will achieve the result, otherwise you will probably face:
1. Myopia.
2. Curvature of the spine.
3. Pain in the hands.

First, let’s take a look at the details of our seating position on the train of life. Then I’ll go over some of the tricks and exercises.

Table selection

The table is very important, a lot depends on it. Too narrow a table will not allow you to put the monitor far enough from your face, too low will make you cringe like Quasimodo.
Looking through the catalogs of modern furniture stores, I want to speak obscenely. It feels like tables are being made for dwarfs living in a dog kennel. As a result, I am sitting at a table from the 50s, 130 cm long, 90 cm wide , and 60 cm high, my height is 178. This wooden table had to be repaired and strengthened, for now it stands firmly where better than modern ones. I advise you to pay more attention to old tables, you should not throw them away, it is better to repair them, and cheaper, by the way. If you don’t have your own, you can find a table in good hands or for a nominal fee with self-pickup – such ads are not uncommon on the Internet. Of course, a modern one will do, if you have a free amount, you can go to a decent furniture store. Choose what you like, but if the interior allows, then be sure to take a wide one – 90 cm is just right. The question of height is quite individual – it depends on your height, but I advise you to take a reserve from the knee put under the table in 2-2.5 fists.

Monitor selection

I will say in plain text – large monitors are cool, I advise you to take from 23 ” , I have a Samsung SyncMaster P2370, it is perfectly visible from afar. If you now have a small monitor, until you try a large one, you won’t understand, I also did not understand. It is very important to adjust the brightness like this so that the eyes are not unpleasant even very close, but at the same time, so that you do not have to strain your eyes and peer in. I settled on the parameters: brightness – 12, contrast – 75, clarity – 100.

Seat selection

For the last two years I have been sitting exclusively on a fitball with a diameter of 65 cm. On average, 10 hours. Cool and very convenient, I advise you to try. Cheap and cheerful. My fitball cost RUB 1,650, which is less than any normal chair.
Among other things, it has such useful qualities as portability (you can take it with you on a trip in a deflated state), you can swim with it, you can kick with anger (just don’t get into the corners of the furniture), you can swing (jump) – very entertaining …
Unlike a chair, a fitball does not resist your movements, and turns on the floor when you change your body position. It is very difficult to sit the fifth point on it, even if you sit for a very long time, since it not only sags under your weight, but also presses in response, so the vessels are in good shape, and there is no effect of blood stagnation, as is the case with the hard surface of the seat.
Also, the fitball straightens your posture , because, while sitting on it, you need to try very hard if you are trying to bend your back. If you bought a fitball, and you are uncomfortable to sit, it means you are very lucky with the purchase, and it is just for you. This means that you especially need to sit on it – when your posture improves, you will become comfortable on it.

Back exercises

Our back constantly needs a warm-up, and we are very grateful for it.

When sitting at a table, it looks like this:

The exercises shown in the figure are useful for the back and abdomen, they can be done without looking up from the computer. You can slide your feet under the table while watching a movie, or just look at the monitor.
You can also lean back like this:

And touch the floor with your hands.
Such exercises can be repeated at least every 15-20 minutes, there will be no harm from them.

Exercises for the eyes

If you look into the distance all the time, then after a while you will no longer see well up close. And if you look at objects close up all the time, you stop seeing distant objects. This is because the muscles in our eyes are not nearly different from any other, and when the eye needs to focus – to contract or stretch – muscle strength is needed. When the muscles cease to regularly tense, they weaken, and the eye stops focusing correctly, from here appears a blurry image, like in photographs, where the objects are out of focus.
To avoid such problems, you need to look into the distance, throw your gaze to close objects, and then again into the distance.
If you have already developed myopia / hyperopia, I can advise you to watch the lectures of V.G. Zhdanov or go to a session.

Do not sit at your computer in poor lighting and do not read!
Turn on the light first, then the monitor. Turn off the monitor first and then the lights.
The fact is that our eyes capture light with the help of pupils, and they can narrow and expand. When there is a lot of light, they narrow, reducing their sensitivity; when there is little, they expand, capture more light, and then it is better seen in the semi-darkness. After all, you noticed that if you turn off the light, you see poorly at first, and then “your eyes get used to the darkness” – it’s just that the pupils dilated. And when you get up in the morning, the light first hurts your eyes, this is because the pupils are dilated in a dream, and are too sensitive for daylight. It should be noted that the dilated state of the pupil is natural, and in this position the eyes rest at rest. Pupil constriction is an effort.
When you peer into the monitor or read in the dark, the pupils are dilated and the light does great damage to them!

It is better to place the monitor away from your face, for this you need a wide table. Also, I advise you to move it during the day, when you want to put it closer, when you want further. Rub your eyes gently with your palms – palming really helps.

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