Category Archives: Vitamins

Magic Wands: Are Protein Bars Really Good For 

THE FIRST PROTOTYPES OF THE FOOD BARS WE ARE FAMOUS appeared thanks to the development of astronautics. Howard Bauman, a food technologist at the cereal company Pillsbury Company, and his team developed solid food for NASA astronauts. Since then, protein bars have come a long way and have become an advertising bomb. Finding out if the bars are really as useful as they say. Space sticks… Read More »

Hypovitaminosis B2

Hypovitaminosis B2 is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the diet, its insufficient absorption from the intestines or intensive destruction and excretion from the body. It manifests itself as seborrheic dermatitis, rough scaly skin, swelling and soreness of the tongue, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, photophobia, redness and swelling of the lips, their peeling. With a prolonged… Read More »


Scurvy is a disease of the vitamin deficiency group that serves as a clinical manifestation of vitamin C deficiency. The main symptoms are bleeding and swelling of the gums, damage to the skin (dryness, petechiae on the extremities with a bluish tinge), bone and joint system (hemarthrosis, loosening of the teeth with their further loss) . The… Read More »


Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency caused by a deficiency of vitamin PP and tryptophan amino acids. The main symptoms are redness, peeling of the skin on the face and neck, hair loss, ulceration of the tongue, diarrhea, numbness and tingling in the extremities, paralysis, insomnia, weakness, distraction, decreased intellectual functions (dementia). The diagnosis is established on the basis… Read More »


Polyneuritis is a serious and dangerous disease associated with damage to the peripheral nervous system. Pathology is multiple and extensive. Polyneuritis is accompanied by multiple paresis, muscle weakness, decreased functional and sensitivity of the limbs. In the acute nature of the course of the disease, polyneuritis can be complicated. Inflammatory processes that spread to the central nervous system, significantly… Read More »


Vitamins are widely used in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. For the normal functioning of the whole organism, the presence of vitamins is necessary. Their lack or overabundance can lead to disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, and cause various diseases. We get a certain amount of vitamins from food. But with malnutrition… Read More »

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

It belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. Got the name “thiamine” due to the presence of sulfur in its molecule. It is a coenzyme of cocarboxylase, necessary for the activation of redox processes in the body. It plays a large role in carbohydrate metabolism, affects the functions of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems. The lack of… Read More »

Vitamin B5 (Calcii pantotthenas). Calcium Pantheon

Contained in yeast, liver, egg yolk, peas, legumes, grains. Included in a number of coenzymes, it provides acetylcholine synthesis, ascorbic acid metabolism, has a detoxifying effect, activates redox processes in the body, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones in the body, which makes it a powerful tool for the treatment of arthritis, colitis, allergies and… Read More »

Folic acid (Acidum folicum).  

Vitamin B9. It is an integral part of B vitamins. It stimulates erythropoiesis, participates in the synthesis of amino acids (methionine, serine), nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines and in the exchange of choline. It is an integral part of group B vitamins. Indications for use. Megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women, preparation for pregnancy, alimentary and other anemia, spru, psoriasis, radiation… Read More »

Vitamin B15 (Calcii panganat). Calcium Pangamate

It increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, eliminates the effects of hypoxia, improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in oxidative processes, and has a lipotropic effect. Pangamic acid activates the exchange of oxygen in tissue cells, stimulates the adrenal glands, helps restore liver tissue, has anti-inflammatory, anti-hyaluronidase properties. Protects the liver from the damaging effects of… Read More »