
By | September 28, 2018

The very word “hyperextension” has a translation from English “hyperextension, recrossing”. In Russian, it is still preserved – in the field of bodybuilding and sports in general.

Usually this exercise is performed on a special simulator, but with a certain imagination, you can adapt almost anything for hyperextensions.

In fact, this exercise has a remarkable effect on the lumbar region, gluteus muscles and hamstrings. It refers to the least traumatic and is often included in the complex LFK – therapeutic physical culture.

Variations on the topic of hyperextensions are not so many. For example, there is the fulfillment of this exercise with weights or without it.

Hyperextension muscles
When performing hyperextensions, the back muscles are first worked through. This is like the muscles of the lumbar spine, and the muscles of the spinal column. It is for this reason that the exercise is recommended first of all for persons with weakened back. For vertebral muscles in general, an indispensable exercise, since in no other way “get” to them simply does not work.
Gluteal muscles are also active. This is why hyperextension in women is one of the favorite exercises.

In no small part are the internal muscles of the thigh involved – the leg biceps. They form a beautiful silhouette of the trained leg. Therefore, hyperextensions are recommended to be performed in the so-called “leg day”.

In addition, the calf muscles are trained to some extent.

How to properly perform hyperextensions
It would seem that this is one of the easiest exercises. However, there are also secrets of the technique of correct execution here.

The heels are brought under the roller of the simulator. The athlete falls belly down, leaning belly or chest on a special support.
Hands can be held either behind the head, or crossed on the chest or stretched along the trunk.
It should be smooth and controlled movement to lift the torso with a deflection at the maximum possible amplitude. Some consider the deflection a mistake in technique. In reality, this is not the case. However, those who have problems in the lumbar department, do not make a deflection and the truth is not worth it.
Hold for a couple of seconds at the end of the climb and make a smooth return to the starting position.
If the athlete feels that the load on the muscles is not in the proper degree, it is recommended to use weights in the form of pancakes from the barbell or dumbbells, holding them behind the head or in front of him on the chest. Too much weight should not be taken: the risk of spinal injury is great. Yes, and technology suffers. You need to start with a very small weight, gradually increasing it.

At first glance, absolutely nothing complicated. However, the devil, as you know, is covered in small things. Here are just some typical errors when performing hyperextensions:

Exercise is carried out at a fast pace and jerks. Often – due to inertia. This is especially evident when working with weights;
flexion of the legs. Significantly reduced the load on the buttocks and hamstrings. Legs should be kept straightened in any position of the trunk;
too much inclination forward. Ideally, in the lower part of the amplitude, the trunk and legs should form a right angle. If the body is too low to tilt, there is a high risk of injury to the waist or spine, especially if the person has a curvature in the form of scoliosis, etc .;
rounded back. You need to keep your back straight. Otherwise, the dorsal muscles are not fully incorporated into the work;
the beginner starts immediately with very large weights. As a result – “ripped off” back.

Hyperextension Options

There is also a so-called reverse hyperextension – when the body is in a fixed position, for example, the athlete is lying on the bench, and the legs are in a hanging position, bent. Further, the legs are straightened and aligned in line with the trunk.

As an option – the implementation of hyperextensions in conjunction with twists. At the same time, the oblique muscles of the press are studied. The bottom line is that the athlete begins turning the hull in one direction or another as it rises. Many people think that this way a thin waist is formed. However, this is completely wrong. Due to the fact that lateral oblique muscles develop abdominal press, the waist on the contrary – can become quite complete. True, not at the expense of fat, but due to muscle mass. Therefore, “beach” is not too addicted to such an exercise.

If there is no special simulator, you can use a gymnastic ball for gipreextensives. The athlete lays his belly on him, resting his feet on something. You can also use a low bench instead of a backup roller. True, it is necessary to get someone to stand on the bench, or to put on top a lot of cargo, imitating the weight of a person.

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