Squatting is a natural human movement. It is a simultaneous flexion of the knee and hip joint, usually with the pelvis lowering below the level of the knees. Used in almost all sports, and in fitness fitness.
The purpose of the exercise and working muscles
Squatting is an exercise of complex effects on the body:
it works out flexors, thigh extensors, gluteus muscles, which cause and abduct the thigh muscles, and even involves the lower leg with sufficient depth of the saddle;
how stabilizers work the muscles of the back, and the press;
partly with the right holding the barbell on the back, the biceps and triceps are used as stabilizers
It is the second most serious movement after the deadlift, and the first powerlifting exercise. For the needs of bodybuilding, different versions of sedos are used with different staging of feet. In power sports, all this is criticized, and only one style of squatting is considered adequate – in which this particular person drops the pelvis below the knee without an obvious “unwinding” of the lumbar spine, and the body is too deeply inclined to the hips.
Training features
Features depend on the purpose and type of sport, as well as on the level of training of the trainee:
when working on strength, a high frequency of squats is allowed during training sessions, from 4 to 6 sessions per week. Separate extreme plans require squats every day. How is this possible? Due to the fact that the athlete always works in the range of 75-85% from 1 PM, and makes heavier rises about 1-2 times in 4-6 weeks. The total training volume is distributed so as not to cause
Significant fatigue at one workout, “auxiliary” work in isolating exercises is minimized or eliminated. The meaning of this frequency is to work out the technique of movement to automatism, and achieve optimal performance in a particular exercise;
when working on hypertrophy – a maximum of 2 times in a weekly cycle, and even then, if the athlete recovers normally from voluminous work. It is not allowed to use more than 12 working approaches of basic exercises for legs as a whole, therefore in practice they usually choose between squatting and pressing with legs, if the working weights are already large enough;
in fitness fitness, they squat with the frequency due to the state of health and the weight of the projectile. If this is a barbell squat and a person is healthy, it is better not to abuse it and work on increasing the weight of the projectile, and not on squatting each workout in a volumetric style. Various correction squats (with a block trainer, in fitness loops, with small dumbbells) do not have a systemic effect, and can be performed every 36 hours, i.e. virtually every workout.
Performance technique
The question of the squat technique is controversial. Most experts do not see a problem in getting out of the knees by the socks (if a person has long legs, they somehow come out, and safety still depends on the angle of the body and the lack of peck with a pelvis more). But most of the organizations training fitness trainers give a completely different technique – clearly up to parallel the hips with the floor, no matter where the pelvis is, and without getting out of the knees by the socks. The position of the neck on the back of the athlete is also controversial. The “low” position, when the projectile is below the trapezius muscles, can provide an opportunity to increase the working weight, and give an advantage to a person with a “long” back and tall stature. High, practically on the trapezius muscle – to help in maintaining a more vertical back in the gray, but requires greater mobility in the hip joints. In practice, the client is taught the technique in which he most naturally moves.
“Lifter” technique with a low position of the neck and natural foot setting
First you need to try to sit down below the parallel with the floor as it is convenient. This is necessary to determine the separation of the feet. As soon as the depth is reached, and there are no movements in the lower back, the separation is considered to have been achieved, it is for this width that the feet should be placed, crouching with the rod.
The movement is as follows:
with parallel feet and socks pointing forward, the athlete fits the barbell;
the grip is performed with a “triangle” – slightly wider than the shoulders (wider separation of arms is allowed, if the muscle mass is large, and the clamp is simply inconvenient), the position of the neck on the back is checked – it should not press on the vertebrae, or move;
legs are first bent at the knees, then – unbent, due to this, the projectile is removed from the racks;
the jog leg takes one step back, the second leg is attached, then the feet are placed in the starting position;
going to press, if there is lordosis – the stomach is drawn in so that it disappears to the maximum;
simultaneous bending at the knees and hip joints, and the controlled lowering of the bar along an inclined trajectory;
as soon as the pelvis has passed an imaginary plane perpendicular to the knee, the depth is considered to have been reached.
you can sit below, if there are no unnecessary movements of the lumbar and flexibility allows;
From the lower point, the extension in the knee and hip joint and the exit to the starting position
Squat is worth studying with someone who knows how to squat without Smith’s car, Gakka, and does it long enough to see technical errors. Any bodybuilding squats (with parallel stops, with a narrow setting of the feet, in simulators) should be taught only after adequate weights and speed of movement in the power style have been achieved. Technique is better to put with a coach than to retrain. The use of pillows under the neck is better to nip at the initial stage – this is a traumatic design that helps the neck to slide along the back. A newcomer should forget about various extremes like “be sure to squat on the floor,” or “squat only with parallel stops.” Only anatomically conditioned technique is safe.
Variations are squatting with dumbbells, squatting with a barbell on the chest, holding the lower arm of the block trainer in the hands, in the Gakka and Smith machines, and also on one leg. Squats in scissors (“lunge” among the people), Bulgarian split-squats and all variants of dynamic attacks belong to squats in weightlifting. Variations are aimed at predominant development of certain muscle bundles.