
By | September 27, 2019

Athleticism involves the development of far from all six hundred muscles – such as, for example, the muscles of the tongue or face (although in the latter you, of course, can succeed if you actively use facial expressions, lifting a dispute twice as much weight as ever raised before that). Here are the muscle groups that usually train [examples of movements involving these muscles are given in square brackets]:

1. Neck muscles – turn and tilt the head. 2. Arm muscles: deltoid muscles (shoulders) – raise arms up.

They are divided into three parts (front, middle and back); biceps muscle (biceps) – bend your elbows; triceps (triceps) – extend the arms at the elbows; muscles that rotate the hand.

3. Back muscles :

trapezius muscle – raises shoulders to the head [shrug];

the broadest muscles – take your arms back [including pulling up on the bar);

long muscles – located along the spine, unbend the body, tilt left-right (with the participation of the lateral press).

4. Chest muscles – take your hands forward [push-ups from the floor);

intercostal; muscles – participate in the act of breathing – exercise passively.

5. Muscles of the abdomen :

rectus muscle ( abdominal ̆ abs) – many athletes divide it into two parts: the upper (above the navel) and the lower (respectively, below);

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oblique muscles – turn the body left and right; the above

muscles of the lateral press; [abdominal muscles tilt the body forward and to the sides).

6. The muscles of the legs

gluteal muscles – take legs back [participate in the process of squatting, walking, riding a bicycle];

quadriceps muscles (quadriceps) – extend the legs at the knees, take the legs to the sides;

biceps (biceps feet) – bend your knees, feet pressed to the foot; calf muscles (lower leg) – when standing on your toes, you strain these muscles;

tibial muscles (opposite the calf muscles ) – while standing on your heels, raise your foot. At this moment, this muscle is tense.

And what to strive for?

There are many formulas for determining the ideal proportions of the body, but I will give the simplest table that does not require complex calculations.

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