Basic exercises

By | August 12, 2018

Basic exercises are allocated only in bodybuilding and fitness fitness. They differ systemic influence on the body and the complexity of implementation. In the basic exercise, flexion and extension are performed in several joints, several or one large group of muscles are working.

What are the basic exercises, their purpose

Basic exercises are the basis of training for the development of strength, strength endurance and coordination. They also help improve overall mobility, hone one or another motor skill for non-bodybuilding sports.

Absolutely all sources refer to the basic:

  • The bench press is lying on a straight bench bench in full amplitude (before touching the neck of the chest);
  • becoming a pull rod or lifting the bar from the platform to the level of “pockets”;
  • squats with a bar on the back and chest

In fitness, the basic exercises include the following exercises:

  • for deltoid muscles – a barbell press standing from the chest, shvung zhimova, pull rod or dumbbell to the chin while standing;
  • for biceps and triceps – output by force on a bar or rings;
  • for the back – pull rod on slightly bent legs (Romanian traction), rod rod in the slope to the waist, lifting the shell from the floor to the chest, pulling up on the bar;
  • for the legs and buttocks – bench press, gank squat, all variants of squatting (“attacks” in the people), deadlift, “gluteal bridge”;
  • for the press – full twisting with the rise of the hull, carrying socks to the crossbar in the vise and “flag of the dragon”;
  • for the chest and triceps – in addition to bench press in all variants of push-up from the gymnastic loops or rings, push-ups with weights and to the “depth” (on the stops)

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