Category Archives: Active substances

Fat burners

Fat burners Fat burners are special drugs that are designed to accelerate the reduction of fat reserves when drying the body or losing weight. Together with the elimination of subcutaneous fat, it is possible to make the muscles more prominent, to get more concentration in training. This sports supplement acts by stimulating the metabolism, which,… Read More »

Seitliches Verdrehen

Side Twists beziehen sich auf die Art von Übungen, die für jeden verfügbar sind, auch wenn kein Inventar vorhanden ist. In diesem Fall ist der Effekt auf die Muskeln des Kortex, entlang der Seite schräge Bauchmuskeln entwickelt werden. Manchmal werden beim römischen Stuhl seitliche Drehungen verwendet – als eine Variante der Hyperextension oder in der… Read More »

Cortisolblocker (antikatabol)

Was ist ein Cortisolblocker? Ein anderer Name für Cortisolblocker ist Antikatabolismus. Dies ist ein Apotheker, der in Cortisol eine antagonistische Wechselwirkung eingehen kann, seine Bildung reduziert oder überhaupt Aktivität unterdrücken kann. Solche Medikamente werden oft verwendet, um Muskelmasse vor der Zerstörung nach dem ACC-Zyklus zu schützen, sowie während der Fettverbrennung und arbeiten an der Linderung.… Read More »

Portable food during the protein-carbohydrate window

Protein sports nutrition gives its results after the first days of use. The speed of action is explained by the rapid assimilation of proteins found in protein powders and isolates. Sports nutrition is indispensable during weight gain or weight reduction. Normal diets will not lead to a beautiful body formation. If the goal is to… Read More »

Assortment of food products

The assortment of products suitable for nutrition during the protein-carbohydrate window is huge. The speed of processing food after training increases three times. It is necessary to eat foods that contain fast carbohydrates and protein. Experts advise to drink protein cocktails, geyner. Carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index will do just fine: condensed milk,… Read More »

Basic exercises

Basic exercises are allocated only in bodybuilding and fitness fitness. They differ systemic influence on the body and the complexity of implementation. In the basic exercise, flexion and extension are performed in several joints, several or one large group of muscles are working. What are the basic exercises, their purpose Basic exercises are the basis… Read More »


Adaptogens are called a group of biologically active substances. They can be of artificial and natural origin. Gives a tonic effect. They are able to stimulate the central nervous system, increase endurance and resistance to harmful effects. The origin of the word “adaptogen” from “adaptation”. That is, they are means that increase the adaptability of… Read More »