Partial repetition technique

By | July 9, 2019

This technique is very similar to the usual training, but its feature is the amplitude of the movement. It can be performed on ½ or ¼ standard movement. As usual, it is perfectly suited for the development of strength and mass. It is often used in both powerlifting and bodybuilding.

This program is implemented most often on the “big three”. That is, in a squat, bench press and deadlift. It is excellent for other exercises in a strong lockout position. Partial repetitions proved to be excellent for almost all muscle groups, but still they give the maximum effect to the deltas, calves, back and upper limbs.

It is best to apply them at the end of the set, at the moment when the full amplitude is given with difficulty. During this period there is an accumulation of fatigue, and the amplitude will decrease until complete blockage.

Partial Repetition Technique

The principle of building trainings with partial repetitions is based on the following aspects:

  • They are performed with the use of the power frame or other simulators. Thus it is possible to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Partial repetitions can be implemented in any exercise.
  • Stretching should be done after each exercise.
  • In the event of pain in the joints should be interrupted training and go to work with a lighter weight.
  • With an amplitude of ¼, you can use more weight than with ½.
  • You can alternate amplitudes. For example, 1 week ½, the next – ¼.
  • As you train, the weight, which was initially heavy, will become increasingly easy for you to lift.
  • With the help of partial repetitions, you can build a psychological barrier in front of the largest weight. Now regular sets will appear in a different light compared to partial and high weight.

Bench press

First you need to put the frame limiter so that you can climb up to a height of 3-4 inches. It is important to lower the weight slowly and in no case do not throw. To determine the weight you need to add to your boundary 20-30   %, to determine how much it is possible, only diminishing and adding experimentally. That, the only one, the weight will be the one that you can not squeeze from the limiters from three to six times. At that moment when you can master 5 sets of 6 repetitions, you need to add weight in the range of 30-40 pounds. Between sets you need to do a rest for three to five minutes.

When a edaniya

Again we put the limiters so that it was possible to raise the barbell by four to six inches with the limiter to the lockout in the squat. Repetitions should begin with the bar, which lies on the limiters. So you will warm up at the bottom of the partial squats. Next, you need to carry out the rise up to the lockout, and then slowly go down. The initial weight must be set within 20-40   % plus to your boundary.


Limiters should be placed near the top of the knees and reach for a lockout. The initial weight is calculated in the same way as in squats.


Mostly partial repetitions are used in benches and squats, with their help it turns out to overload the muscles. And it gives an excellent impetus to the development of target muscles in strength and mass. It is important to remember that after such training it is necessary to give the muscles to recover, and this requires a lot of time. This method is most often used by experienced athletes who feel their body well. Periodicity – no more than once or twice a month, this interval will allow the muscles to fully recover.

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