Two-phase (two-stage) twisting

By | October 6, 2018

The force of inertia and hand assistance are often the reasons why twisting does not bring the desired result. Two-phase twisting makes it possible to exclude the possibility that the exercise will be performed with the help of inertia force.

Two-stage twisting: description
This exercise can be described as an auxiliary program, which, by overcoming one’s own body, allows the development of abdominal muscles. Two-stage twisting is performed using a gym ball. Ideal for all levels of professional athletes.

Working with a two-stage twisting of the muscle
At the moment of correct execution of two-phase twisting, the following muscles are involved:

Abdominal muscles.
The rhomboid muscles together with the inferior fascicle of the trapezius muscle, the anterior dentate muscle.
Chest-clavicular-mastoid muscle.
Rhomboid muscles, anterior dentate muscle, lower fascicle of the trapezius muscle.
By dividing the exercise into two phases, each muscle receives the greatest load.

Two-stage twisting technique
Considering the technique of performing two-phase twists, we can distinguish the following nuances:

To accept the initial position, they lie on the floor and flex their legs in the region of the hip and knee joint. The angle should be approximately 90 degrees. In this case, the shins should be placed on the gymnastic ball.
Hands need to be laid behind the head, fingers in the lock can not be reduced.
The cervical spine should be given a neutral position.
To perform the exercise, the abdominal muscles are activated.
During execution of approaches the coccyx should be pressed to the floor.
During the lifting of the trunk, you should inhale, at the moment of lowering – exhale.

Number of approaches and repetitions
To achieve a good result, you should perform 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions. When you do this, you do not need to help yourself with your hands.

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